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The next day, Shoyo and Natsu are already going to school.

They didn't know how or why, but they were suddenly informed by their Family Butler that their first day of classes is going to be the day after they landed. They didn't even think if they were still jet lagged.

"I don't want to go to school!" Shoyo whined, plopping his body onto his mother's bed.

Him, Miyu, and Natsu just finished breakfast and was about to leave when suddenly, Shoyo pulled the two towards their mother's bedroom.

They thought that it was important so they didn't fight back, but they were silently regretting their choices after hearing the ginger whine.

"Nii chan, you know we can't skip our first day of school, right?" Natsu asked Shoyo, sweatdropping as she timidly waved her hands in front of her.

"Easy for you to say! You're entering Karasuno as a second year! The easiest school year ever! And what am I? ... A. Fucking. College. Freshman. Ugh-!" Shoyo kept ranting his thoughts out as the two girls just watched him silently.

They didn't want to interrupt the ranting ginger to maintain their life capacity.

"Who even decided this?!" Shoyo asked, shouting out as puffs of smoke left his nose.

"U-uhm... I think it was your fathe-" "Of fucking course it's him! Tsk."

Shoyo cut off Miyu's words and stomped out of the room, the two just sat on the bed as they stared at the opened door. They soon heard their front door open and as well as the car doors.

Miyu and Natsu chuckled before following suit, running, and finally went on their way to their school and workplace.


Footsteps can be heard throughout the once loud hallways of Yuumei University, it was Shoyo in all his glory. The people with the perfect view of the hallway blushed at the sight of the ginger male.

Feeling the stares, Shoyo ignored them and continued strutting down the hallways until he stopped in front of a weirdly different door.


Shoyo snickered at the name and the ridiculousness of his father to let him enter this class.

Did he think I'll forgive him if he places me in this class?, Shoyo thought to himself before knocking on the door three times.

He waited for a few seconds before hearing footsteps getting closer to the door.

"Hello?" The door opened to the sight of a black haired teacher.

Shoyo bowed before looking back up, "Im Hinata Shoyo, the new transfer student."

"Ah! Hinata Shoyo! It's good to see you again!" The teacher exclaimed as he went closer to the ginger in attempt to hug him.

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