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emptiness huh ... i might get used to this .


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Waking up in cold sweat, Shoyo tried his best to collect his breathing. This felt nostalgic for the ginger, the feeling of being drowned and continuous shivers running down his body felt weird.

"Are you alright, Honey?" Shoyo looked beside him, his face dangerously close to one of his boyfriend's face.

Blushing, Shoyo crept away from him, "K-Koushi! Good morning!" The ginger exclaimed, laughing nervously as he fanned his sweaty face.

Tilting his head, Sugawara went closer to Shoyo, tucking a hair behind Shoyo's ear. "Answer my question, Honey."

"Of course im alright! Why wouldn't I be?" Shoyo answered quickly, letting out small nervous chuckles as he avoided eye contact.

Not convinced, Sugawara pinned the ginger to his bed. This made Shoyo yelp in surprise, the harsh grip on his wrist made it the more harder for the younger to push off his boyfriend.

"You were thrashing around last night, your face is weirdly glistening too... Despite it being cold last night. Did you have a nightmare last night, Honey?" Sugawara asked, worriedly staring down at his small boyfriend.

Reluctantly, Shoyo nodded, biting his bottom lip. "It was a weird dream... But im alright! Really!" Shoyo reassured, struggling to get up.

Still not satisfied with his answer, the silver head remained on his position. "What was it about?" He asked, leaning on the ginger's shoulders.

"U-Uhm... It was about.. Demons! Yes! It was about these demons suddenly cornering me in an empty, dark house. You know how much I hate those right?" Well my future self is like a demon's reincarnation so im not technically lying... I hope.



Sugawara stared right at Shoyo's hazel brown eyes, the evident nervousness on the ginger's eyes showcased that he was lying. "You're not afraid of demons, Shoyo."

Abruptly freezing, Shoyo nervously laughed once again. "Aha.. Haha... Well I am now!" He gave a cheeky smile, trying his best to hide his embarrassment.

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