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he was normal before he met her .

Teruhashi Ayako, he was a dull child

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Teruhashi Ayako, he was a dull child. A child that was outcasted in the orphanage he used to live in just because he wasn't like the other children.

Unlike them, Ayako never truly understood what color meant. He didn't understand why the kids he was forced to be with were so amazed and fascinated by the assortment of colors displayed in front of them.

To him, it was just all gray and white. Dullness and colorless, it wasn't anything more but extremely boring shades of black and white.

The only time he felt like being overflowed by colors and emotions was when he goes inside his own world, his own dream.

A personal bubble where he meets his fictional friends and family, that was Ayako's life.

That was something he wanted and expected to endure for the rest of his life, even after getting adopted by a new pair of couple.

But what he got was something entirely different.

Red. That was the color he had recognized the most after being adopted in the Iruma family.

It wasn't new for the Iruma family to come to their orphanage and bring out more children from their home, they considered their house as a farm of soldiers to be trained. But aside from Ayako, the children were gullible and naive enough to leave the orphanage with a smile — not knowing that they'd never come back with the same smile ever again.

It was funny, in a way.

Ayako was already mistreated and abused in his old life at the orphanage, what difference was it to his new life with the Iruma family for him to fall inlove with his own stepsister?

The only color he was taught and learned to be mesmerized in was the color red. But at least, in the end, he did learn something from the rainbow right?

His stepsister, Saeke, was abusive. A bully towards her own stepbrother.

Was he a masochist or something? Was he attracted to the pain she delivers to him whenever she hits him out of anger and annoyance? How did this even happen? Was something he asked himself everyday.

But soon, he just set the questions aside. All set off after a certain grey head entered their lives.

Kita Shinsuke, a boy he and his family had stumbled upon one time in a stroll at a public park. Saeke was ultimately charmed by the boy, forgetting the hold she had with Ayako's pale body.

This made his supposedly fragile heart crumble into pieces, a certain part filling with anger towards the other victim as possessiveness kicked in for his captor.

But even after all of those times, building up his anger towards the grey head to possibly reach his goal of killing him..! Why did he still remain quiet?

Why? Why? Why!?

"Let's join hands to kill the person who hurted you the most, Ayako kun."

Of course! Everything does happen for a reason! He was quiet because he needed something, or more specifically, someone to use as leverage.

He had accepted the small ginger's proposal, of course. Ayako had already formed a plan to kill off Shoyo whilst faking Saeke's death, it was so he could also break the heart of the man he despises the most before he meets his end.

But driven to rage and despair, he had unintentionally snapped.

Why couldn't she love him despite his sacrifices for her? Why couldn't she see him and not that grey head?

The questions clogged up his mind as he lost sight of his sanity, subconsciously stabbing the sister he loves the most to death, over and over again.

The familiar color of red was the first thing he saw on his hands, shivering and cold. He killer her...

I killed her!

He wanted to just go on a rampage and hurriedly kill the ginger that disappeared in front of him. Atleast he could kill three people before he could also die right?

Well, that was wishful thinking, up to now.

Before he could snap his head towards Shoyo and jump him, he felt his stomach pierced by the familiar cold metal of the knife.

"Goodbye, Ayako kun."

And that was the last thing he remembered before falling into deep slumber forever.

The bright color of orange made his dying heart thump loudly for a second.

And that was how Teruhashi Ayako died beside the person who taught him the color red, and died on the hands of the person who showed him the color of orange.

His life starting dull and lifeless and ending the same way as before.


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❝ how sad can a person's life be ? ❞

❝ how sad can a person's life be ? ❞

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