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feelings are useless without them .

"Oh! Long time no see, baby me~!"

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"Oh! Long time no see, baby me~!"

"Hello to you too, Annoying Old Man."

Shoyo stated back, his eyes furrowing at the floating person in front of him.

He was back in that dream once again; the only difference was that he wasn't drugged unconsciously. He willingly drank the said substance himself.

"What do I owe the pleasure of seeing you, baby me?" Future Shoyo asked, grinning mischievously as he floated upside down, facing the other.

Shoyo tilted his head before sighing as he pushed the man away from him, "Tell me."

"Hm? Tell you what~? Your body count?" Future Shoyo teased, now on his feet.

"Tell me why..." Shoyo covered his face with his hands, turning around to face his older counterpart, "I'm like this?"

The older ginger raised an eyebrow, narrowed eyes intensely watching the other, "Elaborate,"

"I feel empty." Shoyo muttered, his hands clenching his chest. "Im too tired to smile. But, when I imagine them" Shoyo then smiled widely, his finger pointing at his enthusiastic facial expression "This happens."

His eyes were brighter than when he entered this dream, his smile was so wide that it felt like it would sore any moment now. And it all happened just because he remembered a portrait of his boyfriends, smiling and having fun around each other, him being the center of the piece.

"Without them... I feel like everything's not right. My emotions either disappears or appear out of nowhere, it's overwhelming!" Shoyo sobbed out, memories from earlier flooding his head.

Smile never fading, Future Shoyo floated once again, placing his hands on top of Shoyo's clenched ones.

"I knew this would happen today," He chuckled, "It seems like your past self is coming back from it's sleep!" Future Shoyo cooed out.

"... Huh?"

"This." The future counterpart of the ginger pointed at Shoyo's heart, "This right here, is originally empty. It would continue to gauge out it's use everyday, and would come back only if they remain in your world." The older ginger smiled wickedly.

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