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im not a fool , i did it the hard way for a reason .


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The sounds of water splashing could be heard resonating throughout the quiet room of the bathroom. Shoyo is stripped off naked as he sat inside the bathtub, Kita washing his hair from the back.

Kita was happy that he was the one Shoyo called and asked to do this, maybe because he wanted to talk about Saeke's death?

No... The ginger sitting in front of him looked like he wanted to remain his sin a secret.

"Hmm..." Kita snapped out of his trance, hearing Shoyo's mouth form a hum. This made him smile.

"Babe," Kita called for Shoyo right on his ear, receiving another hum from the smaller. "Yes, love?"

"Can you move closer to me? Im going to scrub your back." Kita smiled softly, not minding how Shoyo couldn't see his face.

Secretly blushing, Shoyo leaned closer to the edge of the bathtub. Why did he ask to have him clean him off again? He doesn't remember.

Ah right... It felt like my body would be cleaner once I get cleaned off by him. Shoyo snickered at his own thoughts, tho, it seemed like this ridiculous thought worked.

"What did you do earlier while you were away from us?" Kita asked Shoyo, discreetly removing his clothes without having the ginger notice.

Shoyo contemplated, should he say the truth? "Nothing of importance," He grinned mischievously.

"Is that so..." Now bare, Kita stood up and entered the bathtub, which surprised Shoyo.

Blushing, Shoyo moved away as he covered his body, "W-What are you doing!?" He shouted.

Kita snickered at the ginger, finding it cute at how his lover tried to cover his body despite him already seeing more. Scratch that, even if Shoyo's just breathing he'd thunk he's the most beautiful and cutest person in this planet.

God, how much he loves this angel sent from heaven.

"Don't cover yourself, babe. You look beautiful," Kita complimented, pulling Shoyo closer to him.

Pouting, Shoyo looked away, trying his best to not get aroused even tho he was just sitting on the grey head's exposed leg. "Why are you doing this?" He asked.

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