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did you really expect her to follow what i said ?

"I'm going to the bathroom!" Shoyo excused himself, leaving the table

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"I'm going to the bathroom!" Shoyo excused himself, leaving the table.

Silently, Kita and Suna saw how Shoyo's smile seemed to fade as he looked back from them. Tho, despite seeing this 'unusual' behaviour, the two just remained silent as if it was something normal.

His boyfriends watched how the ginger disappeared into the distance before looking at each other, "Do you really think he's going there?" Kageyama asked, earning a series of no.

"It's alright, we have cameras all over the campus. And we have Noya." Daichi reassured the others, his eyes glancing at the smaller male beside him.

"Mhm!" Nishinoya hummed, saluting as he smiled widely, pulling out his phone.

Shoyo, on the other hand, walked past the Men's Bathroom, his eyes looking around as if he was looking if someone was following him. He doesn't know but it feels like he was being watched from somewhere, tho, seeing no one made it more creepier for him.

Brushing the thoughts away, Shoyo started walking once again. His eyes narrowed as the usual bright smile didn't appear, it honestly made the passing by students feel uncomfortable.

Surely they had heard about how ethereal the ginger was from rumors, especially the smile that he usually wears. Proving the rumors true, Shoyo indeed looked like a god that fell from the sky to bless their days, but the said bright smile was never seen — this made them worry and slightly sweat from nervousness.

Shoyo then halted in front of an unknown door, knocking on it.

"Ayako kun, im here..!" He shouted from behind the door, his ears slightly perking up after hearing footsteps nearing the door.

And as he expected, the door opened. His hazel brown eyes lingered up the torso of the person, his eyes meeting red ruby ones. "I didn't expect you to really come," Shoyo stated out in disbelief.

"Stop joking, we both know that you're convincing as hell." Ayako rolled his eyes before stepping aside for Shoyo to come in.

Snickering, Shoyo gladly went in, "Of course I am, what do you expect from me?"

"I mean, you are Hinata Mikazuki's son, so I wouldn't be surprised." Ayako plainly commented, walking up to the suddenly frozen ginger.

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