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LOVESICK──────────────────────────HINATA HAREM

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LOVESICK──────────────────────────HINATA HAREM

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The car door opened, the sight of a weird faced redhead can be seen peeking through the opened door, it was Tendo.

After the hour and a half ride to the venue, Ushijima spent his whole time caressing the ginger's fluffy hair and talking with his other friends through the phone — the talk mainly consisting of the jealous texts sent by his friends and him bragging about the sleeping angel beside him.

This, undoubtedly, made the others more jealous than they intended to.

"Satori." Ushijima looked back at the redhead, reluctantly shifting on his seat, "Are they all there already?" He asked the other, which Tendo nodded.

"Mhm! You better wake up little Paradise there or your grandpa would throw another tantrum because 'his favorite grandchild is late for the party he made just for him'." Tendo air quoted the last line, mimicking the last words the greenette's grandpa made when Ushijima was late for his birthday party.

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