Myles Parrish

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Myles's P.O.V.

We were at a meet and greet and Kalin and I were taking pictures with fans. We were about to leave when a fan shouted for us to wait and then ran up to us.

"Myles I wanna give you something," she told me.

"Ok," I told her.

She handed me a card, some flowers, and a bottle of lotion.

"The lotion is my favorite scent."

I nodded, "Thanks."

Kalin, Jake, and I continued to walk. We got into the tour bus and I put the flowers in the bunk room. I sat there and read the card:

The name is Jenny and I'm a big fan of all three of you. I can't help, but smile every time I listen to you guys and see you guys. My "friend" thinks that I can't even get your attention and she wants to tell my crush that I like him if you don't text me. Sorry I know you hear a lot of this but I am telling the truth. (123) 456- 789 and I love you guys! Xoxoxoxo

"Well that's mean," I said out loud.

"What," Kalin asked as he walked in.

"This fan's fake friend is gonna tell her crush that she likes him if we don't text her."

"Well let's do that."

I took some lotion and put it on, "Sure."

Kalin's P.O.V.

"Sure. HuhCHH! HuhCHH! CHH!"

"Bless you."

"Thanks," he said and then rubbed his nose.

"HuhCHH! HuhCHH! Ugh-CHH!"

"Bless you again."

"HuhCHH! Huh!"

"You okay?"

"I don't heh know my nose itches. HuhCHH! HuhCHH! HuhSHH!"

"Are you getting sick?"

"I don't feel like it," he rubbed his nose again and breathed out through his mouth.

He started scratching his arm. It turned red after a while.

"Dude stop!"

"It itches!"

He kept scratching it and I saw some of his skin come off with the force of his scratching.

"Stop! Just rub it."

He rubbed it really hard and I could see some bumps. He sniffled.


I thought about it while he kept sneezing. He was sneezing and scratching his arm.

"I think you're allergic to the lotion. This didn't start until you put it on. I'm going to call somebody."


The doctor was holding random things up to Myles's nose to see if he was allergic to anything. He came to a weird looking flower and put it up to his nose. It set him off.

"Myles you're allergic to (insert random weird flower here) which is found in this lotion."


He sniffled, "That explains it."


Next up: Alex Constancio

                   Some of requests

                   Jai (Janofest)

                   More of requests

Does it ever bother you when I am going to do requests and then I come up with something else to write before I even start the requests cuz I feel like it does

Also do ya'll like when I put a random thing I wrote in between cuz I do it makes me feel free tbh

Don't know when I'll update, I'll try for tomorrow but I honestly don't know

Thx again lovelies :)

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