Request fror Autymack

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Harry's P.O.V.

I woke up and immediately I started gagging, then I threw up on myself. Fuck! I breathed in a few shaky breaths. Part of me wanted to shout for somebody, but part of me didn't want to tell the lads so I kept quiet. I got out of bed slowly, then picked my blanket up by bringing the sides together. I carried it to the laundry room and quickly threw it in the washer. I felt myself grow weak so I went to sit down. I turned the TV on and I was watching it when I felt my stomach turn. I felt something coming up so I dashed for the bathroom.

I pulled the lid up and dropped to my knees in front of the toilet. I tried to catch my breath but I couldn't. My stomach convulsed and I involuntarily retched, then vomited. I wasn't loud, which I was thankful for. I coughed a couple times and then threw up again. I flushed the toilet, knowing that I was done and then brushed my teeth and used the mouthwash, trying to get the taste out of my mouth.

"Harry," Liam said as he knocked on the door, "You're turn to decide what to do today."

"Alright I'll be out in a sec."

The boys were so used to being busy, they couldn't function properly when just sitting and watching TV/playing games. I didn't like it either, but I wasn't as bad as them. What to do? Something that doesn't have a lot of jumping around or require a lot of energy.

"Well we can go to the mall."


I went to go get ready. I had just got done putting my pants on when my stomach twisted and I ran to the bathroom where I threw up a good three times.

"Harry," Liam called, "You almost ready?!"

"Yea just got to put my shoes and shirt on."

"It took you that long to put some pants on?"


"Hurry up!"

I flushed and brushed my teeth before going to put my shirt and shoes on. When I was done with all of that, I went downstairs.

"Alright I'm ready."

"Paul," Zayn shouted.

"Coming," Paul shouted and next thing I knew he was coming down the stairs.

Paul, the lads and I went out and got into the van. Paul started driving to the mall. I tried to sleep a little bit more and the lads let me since they knew I was tired, but going over bumps weren't the best thing when you're tired and especially not when you're sick. When we went over one, my stomach would twist and I would hope that it wasn't the time that sent us back home. I just wanted to get through this without any unwanted guests that come from my body. We pulled up to the mall and when I got out I felt so dizzy.

"You alright Harry," Louis asked.

"Fine," I told him and gave him a fake smile.


We walked inside and started walking down the mall. My stomach knotted up and it felt like I was being stabbed. I started coughing a bit.

"You okay," Liam asked this time, whispering to me.

"No I need to go to the bathroom. I don't feel good."

"You guys keep walking, Harry wants to show me something."

"Alright," Louis answered, but I could tell he was curious.

I knew Louis knew I was sick. He loved me and I loved him and that's one of the things I loved, but he also knew I didn't like him helping me. That's probably why he left me alone and decided it was best to go with the plan. Liam and I hurriedly walked off towards the bathrooms. I opened up one of the stalls once I got in and Liam followed me. Someone was in the stall beside me and when I started throwing up he huffed angrily.


I kind of laughed and Liam handed me some toilet paper to wipe my mouth. I did so and then threw it in the toilet and flushed it. Liam helped me up and we both washed our hands.

"How long have you not felt well?"

"Since I woke up."

"Next time tell us or if you can't then at least tell me."



Thx for reading :)

Next up: What I'm going to write (x3)

Everyone please comment on either the last chapter I have updated (as of when you request) or inbox me

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I want to be famous for singing sooooooo bad, it's my number one dream

Oh yea and...


Ok bye now

Thx again lovelies :)

Sickfics: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now