O2L pt2

683 4 0

Trevor's P.O.V.

I felt so bad for what happened, but at least I had felt better. I don't feel as guilty knowing that it was probably a 24 hour bug. Sam has been taking chewable airborne nonstop since that happened. He popped another one in his mouth and chewed it as he walked into the bunks.

"How many is that?"


"Can't that kill you?"

"I don't know."

He got in his bunk and laid down. I could smell a citrus scent as he laid across from me.

"Did you drink orange juice as well?"

"Plenty of it. Who knows I may not even get sick."


"Let me have hope."

I shrugged it off and about 15 minutes later I could hear Sam snoring. I went to sleep myself, feeling pretty tired.


I heard sniffling as I opened my eyes. The room was still dark except for a bright light coming from behind Sam's curtain.


He moaned and then sniffled. It sounded like someone was crinkling paper loudly.

"Sam" I whispered loudly.

"Trevor? You're awake?"

"Thanks to you."

"Sorry, but you are the one who got me-HuhKSH-sick."

"That's true."

He moaned again, "I feel like I've been hit by a train."


"I know. I'm sneezing, coughing, I have a sore throat, my nose is completely stopped up, and I think I have a crazy fever."


He sniffled.

"Would you guys please be quiet," we heard Ricky whisper.


"Bless you? Who was that?"

"Me," Sam answered.

"Damn you sound terrible. What happened?"




"Bless you dude."

"Thanks Ricky."

"Hey what the fuck is going on," Kian asked.


"Who jus shushed me?"

"Me," JC answered angrily.

"Shush them, they're the ones who woke me up," Kian said angrily as well.

Kian was cranky in the morning, especially if he's woken up.

Sickfics: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now