Kalin White

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Kalin's P.O.V.

I wasn't feeling too great when I woke up this morning. My stomach was queasy, I was nauseous, and my head was racing. I told myself over and over that everything was fine and that I wasn't sick. I told myself that I was just convinced that I was.

"Kalin it's time to hit the studio," Myles screamed as he came into my room.

"Alright alright let me get dressed first."

He left my room and I got dressed. I didn't want Myles to find out that I was sick so I didn't tell him. I just got in the car and Myles drove to Bubble Tea first. He got his regular Thai tea with Tapioca and crushed ice (Song reference if you get it then comment the song) and Jake got his regular.

"What do you want," Myles asked.

"Oh I left my wallet at home," I lied.

"It's right there and even if you had then I still would've bought you something."

"Um well I guess I'll have whatever is your favorite."

The cashier told me his favorite and then put Myles and I's drinks in. We got them when they were done.


I'll try. We all got back in the car and Myles headed for the studio. We got in and Myles went to rap while Jake got started with the beat and melody. My stomach started to feel a lot more queasy as they finished up.

"Your turn," Myles told me.

I put the headphones on and started to sing as I felt something start making it's way up my throat.

Myles's P.O.V.

Kalin dropped his recording mic and dashed out of the soundbooth very quick. He ran into the bathroom which was attached to the studio. I heard Kalin retch really loud and then I heard him throw up violently.

"Wow," Jake said.

I nodded and then walked towards the bathroom. I opened the door to Kalin still throwing his guts up.

"What happened? You were just fine."

"I've been feeling sick the whole day."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I know you love the studio."

"Your health is more important now let's go."


Thx for reading :)

Next up: Myles Parrish

                   Apology Fic (A Constancio)


MAR it seems so I guess my up next category is hinting towards to tomorrow staring March

Tomorrow is Justin Bieber's birthday and I only know cuz if my best friend

Speaking of birthdays only one person showed up and was bored af and my bestie was about to come, but I went over instead

It was fun ig I actually wouldn't have wanted it differently

Sorry for not updating after all I was at a friend's and my brother broke my tablet so I'm using his

I'm going to try to do the Myles and Alex ones tomorrow but idk what I'm doing so yea

Thx again lovelies :)

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