Special Part #7

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Niall: "Niall are you okay", you asked, sitting there on Skype, waiting while you're boyfriend silently sneezed his head off.

"Niall. Stop stifling, it's gonna just keep hurting."


"Bless you," you said as he stuffed more tissues up his nose.

You ended up laughing and Niall nasally asked, "What?"

"That's not going to do anything babe."

Louis: You and Louis had decided to go roll down a random huge ass hill, just cuz you guys are dorks who thought this would be fun.

Of course you beat Louis so you started laughing. He started laughing and you were both laughing hysterically as you two got up. That changed when Louis's breath started hitching.

"Ashoo! Ashoo! Ashoo! Ashoo! Huh'ashoo! Ashoo! Ashoo! Ashoo! Ashoo! Huh'ashoouh! ASHOO!"

"Bless you," you told him.

"Ash! Huh'ash! Ashoo! Ashoo! Ashoo! Oh my ASHOO!"

"Maybe rolling down that hill wasn't the best."

He rubbed his itchy nose so hard and you started to feel guilty, for no reason.

"Not your....Ashoo! Ashoo!"

He whined and rubbed his nose even harder. You pulled out a tissue and gave it to Louis who thanked you and blew his nose.

"Never again," he said.

"I'll say."


Liam: "Y/n," Liam shouted, making you run faster, "Give me back my hat!"

You looked back to see him right behind you and you hauled ass down the big grand staircase of the 1D mansion.

"Hey y/n," the other boys greeted as you ran into the kitchen.

"Hey," you said back, out of breath.

You paused to catch your breath and then Liam ran into the kitchen. You screamed and grabbed the closest thing to you and threw it at him. Whatever it was hit him.

"Huh'kmpf! Huh'kmpf! HUHkmpf! Kmpf! Kmpf! Huh'kmpf! Huh'kmpf! HUHkmpf! HUHkmpf! HUHkmpf! HUHkmpf! HUH'KMPF! You threw cinnamon at m-AHkmpf! AH'KMPF!"

"Bless you," you giggled, "Next time
don't chase me."

"You- HUHkmpf! Stole my- Kmpf! Hat- HUH'KMPF!"

You giggled even harder.

Zayn: The boys had an interview and sadly Zayn had caught a cold. You were stood there watching the interview carry on and watching your poor baby in misery. You felt sooo bad for him.

"HuhISHoo HuhISHoo! HuhISHoo! ESHoo! EE-ESHoo! ESHoo! Sorry."
"Bless you," you whispered, upset that he couldn't hear you and that he was sick.

Harry: Harry had insisted on you guys going to the park because you love picnics. However, it was mid May and you knew Harry was allergic to pollen. After begging and begging, you finally said yes. Only for this to happen later:

"Harry are you okay," you asked.


"Harry you can't even talk."


"We're going home."

So you dragged your sneezy boyfriend all the way home, him desperately trying to find the words to stop you.

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