Why Didn't You Tell Us?

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Liam's P.O.V.

I woke up to my stomach gurgling, pain overtaking my abdomen. I turned onto my back, rubbing it gingerly as I tried to stop the pain.
"It must've been the bus's movement, that's all." I thought. Soon enough I heard moaning coming from one of the boys bunks. I slid out of my bunk and checked Louis, no he was fine. Harry, no he was fine as well. Niall, he was curled up in a ball in the middle of his bunk shaking.

"Ni, wake up buddy." I said shaking him slightly. Niall turned toward me, his eyes bloodshot and his nose red.

" Aw, Ni. Are you sick?" He nodded sadly clutching his stomach. The other boys were asleep so it was up to Daddy Direction, even though I felt awful. I closed the curtains to Niall's bunk and walked towards the front of the bus, grabbing a heating pad for Niall and popped it in the microwave while I went to find the thermometer. While I was searching the bathrooms cupboards, my stomach flipped and I dropped in front of the toilet. Luckily the back of the bus was loud so they couldn't hear my gagging. When I finished I wiped my mouth and continued searching for the thermometer. When I found it I went back for the heating pad and made my way back to Niall. I opened up the curtains covering his bunk and saw him curled up in a ball once again.

" Ni, please turn over. I have something that will help." I said. He turned on his back so I could place the heating pad on his stomach and take his temperature. I pulled the thermometer from his mouth and was surprised at his temperature. I rushed up to get him a wet cloth but tweaked my stomach making in gurgle with pain, I stopped suddenly wincing from the pain before continuing to get Nialler a wet cloth. I grabbed the wet cloth and went back to Niall's bunk to place it on his forehead to reduce his fever. I checked my watch to see it was 2 in the morning so we should be arriving at our next concert spot. Suddenly Niall bolted from his bed and to the bathroom, I followed him, rubbing his back as he emptied his stomach into the toilet. When he was finally done I helped him back into his bed.

" Wake me if you need anything Nialler." I said walking back to my bunk to get a few more hours if not minutes of sleep to maybe settle my aching stomach.

" Liam... LIAM! Get up we have to go to sound check in 20 minutes." I heard Louis tell me, shaking my shoulder. I sat up and slid out of my bunk and towards my suitcase to grab some sweats and a jumper.

" Niall? Come on get up bud." I heard Louis say. I rushed over to Niall and Louis.

" Louis! Niall is really sick. I don't think he can perform tonight." I said to him.

" How did you know he was sick?" Asked Louis.

" I woke up last night to his moaning. I went to check on him and he looked really awful." I said, making sure not to mention the other reason I woke up. I went back to changing and then went to check on Niall again. One of the boys began blaring music which began to make my head pound, Niall whimpered, clutching his temple. I rushed towards the front of the bus to see Harry blasting bloody music.

" Harry! Niall is sick and you decide to blare music? What were you thinking mate." I said turning off the stereo before making my way back to Niall and pulling him into my chest, his warm tears wetting my jumper. Soon Harry and Louis were sitting in front of us looking worriedly at Niall. I was holding Niall when Paul entered the bus.

" Boys! Sound Check Time!" Everyone but Niall shushed him as Paul made his way to where the rest of us were. He crouched down to our level and looked at Niall and I.

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