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Jai: You are walking to the Brooks' house to walk with the twins to school. You open the door as you are treated like family and just walk in. You see a big note on the table: I have to go into work for a meeting so I need you to wake the boys, I know you walk with them ;) and thank you xo -Gina

You smile at the note because you and Gina know each other perfectly. You run up the stairs and open the closed door of the twins' room. Luke is up and in the bathroom while you can't tell if Jai is under a pile of white comforters or not. "Where's Jai", you ask Luke. He shrugs while brushing his teeth. He spat into the sink, "How should I know where the faggot is?" You smirked.

You got up on Luke's bunk and stole his pillow. You threw it at the pile of blankets on Jai's bed. You heard a groan. "Is he alive", you pulled the blankets down a little and smiled playfully/ jokingly. You managed to uncover Jai's face and he started coughing violently. Then some sneezes erupted from him. (Yup he's a volcano now) You grabbed a tissue and handed it to Jai, "Aww babe are you sick?" You sat beside him.

He opened his puffy eyelids and looked at you. He tried talking, but his voice was so hoarse you couldn't hear anything, but a sigh. He sneezed into the tissue. He looked tired and miserable. "I don't understand how you manage to be adorable even when you are sick." "Just a cold", he choked out. You could hear a soft whistle sound in his breathing.

"Yeah well I would love to stay and chill, but I am not getting sick from him, he never gets sick, but when he does-" Luke didn't even finish before he rushed out, grabbed his backpack and slammed the door. It was true, once all of the Janoskians were sick, but Jai.

Jai coughed violently again, you could hear the whistle sound in his cough now as he coughed his poor little heart out.

"Jai, babe, lay your head in my lap and maybe you'll feel a little better." You helped him scoot closer and lay his head in your lap. "Oi", he smiled, "It's just a cold y/n." You could tell his throat was sore because even though he was speaking as loud as he could, it was quite faint, and his voice cracked on every single word.

"Yeah right Jai", you smirked. "I'm serious, I am well enough for school." "No you aren't", you got up." "Where are you going", he asked, his 'going' was a soft as a whisper. "To school", you answered. "Don't leave me y/n", he begged with a whimper. "I know baby", you knew how miserable he was so you ran the back of your hand up his cheek while he looked at you with glossy eyes.

"I have to go to school though, besides you are a big boy and Beau is here." "But I want you here y/n." "You know I would if I could." It took all your strength to leave Jai, but you went down the stairs and for the door. "Wait y/n", you heard Jai call. You looked to see Jai at the top of the stairs and then he fell back. "Jai", you sceamed and ran back upstairs. You put his head in your lap, "Beau!"

Beau came to you. "Beau, call an ambulance", you cried. Beau called an ambulance and it came and the medics took Jai. Beau decided to drive you to the hospital. "Beau he was fine just a few minutes ago, just a cold", you were shaking. Beau dropped you off and headed to get Luke, Daniel, James, and Gina. They were back quickly and the doctor told you guys that he had a serious flu and they needed to keep him overnight. "Baby stay", he pleaded. This time you did, running your fingers throught his hair, making him fall asleep.

Luke: He was snoring and sniffling. You were about to leave silently, but he woke up. "Where are you going", he asked, his voice cracking a lot. "Well you were snoring so I assumed you were sick." "You aren't going stag are you?" "Luke-" "I'm fine y/n really", his voice cracked again. He coughed, into his elbow area, a lot. "No you are not and you are not coming. "I know how much this couple dance", another coughing spasm hit him, "Means to you."

Sickfics: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now