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Liam's P.O.V.


What the heck? I pulled the blankets off of me and quickly put on my sweatpants before heading out of my room. I walked down the hall and almost past the living room, but Louis caught my eye. He looked pissed.

"Hey Lou. What's wrong?"

"Ask Niall."

That wasn't good. I was walking and I had only gotten a little farther before Harry and Zayn walked towards me.

"It's nothing. Just his usual pre-interview antics."

"Hitch! Hitch! Hitch! Hishoo!"

Zayn rolled his eyes and walked away. Harry gave a quick smile before following Zayn. Damn everyone's pissed at Niall. I continued on to Niall's room and pushed the door open. He was sitting on his bed with a tissue in his hand.

"Do I have to go today," was the first thing he asked.

I just shook my head, "Stop playing. We don't have time for your games."


"Get ready we are leaving soon. Oh and Paul scheduled M right after Pop."

"Two interviews? I don't know if I want-can do it."

"You most definitely can and will."

"But I'm sick."

"Sure, you seem fine."

I looked around and found pepper on his nightstand.

"Are you serious?"


"You have pepper on your nightstand!      At first I thought you may actually be sick because you can't fake sneezes. You didn't, but they weren't because you're sick either. You used pepper, God Ni why can't you just cooperate?"

"Ask my nose that."

I sat there waiting for something to happen, my last straw before dubbing him faking.

Nothing. I walked over and picked up the pepper and then threw it at him. Some spilled and he immediately got a pre-sneeze expression on his face. I walked out in anger.

"Five minutes!"

I slammed his door.

"Choo! HIHchoo!"

I just walked back to my room and threw a shirt on and then my shoes, already tired from messing around with Niall. I walked back to the living room and joined the boys. We all sat there in anger.

"I can't believe him," Zayn finally spoke up.

"I don't know why he won't cooperate," I added.

"Bloody hell all he has to do is answer questions," Louis said. "And some interviews are even fun. Heck both M and Pop are fun. And he doesn't even appreciate it! Ugh!"

I looked down at my watch.

"Niall! Time to go!"

I waited about a minute and then my phone buzzed.

We're here.

"Niall please, the driver's here!"

"You're too nice Liam," Louis said, "Niall James Horan get your lazy arse out here! Now!"


Louis slammed his fist down and then hopped up and stomped towards Niall's room.

"Are you sleeping?! Get up! The drivers here! I don't care and I really don't like your attitude! You aren't sick get up! Don't test me Niall! I love you but I am about to lose it! I'm warning you! Niall!"

Sickfics: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now