Justin's Crew Prompt

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Justin's P.O.V.

I was home from tour, the worst tour ever. I'd gotten sick about five times on the tour, threw up on stage three times, and I'd been away from Ryan, Christian, and Chaz the whole time. Now was better though because my mom promised they could spend the next two weeks over here at the mansion.

Chaz had woken me up and the two of us played video games while we waited for Ryan and Christian to wake up. Chaz put in GTA and gave me the controller. I played and he watched. I threw a grenade at a cop car and all of a sudden it blew up and I got "wasted". Chaz and I started laughing our asses off.

All of a sudden I hear Christian's laugh mix in and then Christian ask, "Dude did you just get blown up?"

"Yea", I said, still laughing.

We kept laughing.

"Shut up," I heard Ryan yell and then groan.

"Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," I said and then we started laughing again.

Ryan came in and I laughed at the way his hair looked: ruffled up and hair stuck in every which way.

"Shut up," Ryan repeated.

"Ry, you look like you were just electrocuted."

We laughed again and tears fell down each of our faces as we roared with laughter.

"Boys leave him alone," my mom raised her voice.

"Are you okay Ry," she asked.

"I don't feel good," he said, sounding like he was gonna cry.

"Aww come here sweetie," my mom cooed.

I started laughing again along with Christian and Chaz as Ryan walked towards my mom. She put her hand on his forehead.

"Ashoo! Huh...ashoo!"

"Bless you," my mom said, "Now go lay back down."

"But I wanna play video games."

"I don't want anyone else getting sick."

"Yea Ry you know how terrible Justin's immune system is," Chaz said.

"Yea Jay can probably get sick from hearing that someone is sick," Christian joked.


"See what I mean," Christian said and then laughed.

"What? It's dusty in here!"

"Oh shut up Justin," Christian told me.

"Huh...ashoo! Ashoo! Eshuh! Huh...eshoo!"

"Bless you sweetie," my mom said, "Now go lay down and I'll bring you some soup."

Ryan's P.O.V.

I HATE being sick! Pattie came in and gave me my soup.

"Sweetie I need you to open your mouth so I can check your temp," she said.

I obeyed and she stuck the thermometer in, then we both waited for the whine of the thermometer. It finally came to a conclusion and Pattie took it out and read it.

"No wonder you feel miserable you have a fever of 102.5."

I felt unwanted tears fall down my cheeks.

"I know I'm sorry sweetie," she frowned, "Just try to get some rest."

"But I heh...ashoo! Ashuh! Eshuh! Huh...huh'ashoouh!"

I started crying again.

"Sweetie," Pattie cooed and then came back over to me.

She grabbed a tissue, "Blow your nose."

I took the tissue and tried to blow my nose, but it didn't work.

"Honey not like that", she told me and then held the tissue to my nose, "Like this. Blow."

I looked at her and she rolled her eyes, "I do this all the time with Justin so I'm used to it."

I smiled a little and then blew carefully so I wouldn't gross her out.

"See wasn't so bad was it?"

"No," I replied.

"And you don't sound stuffed up anymore."

"But I am."

I sniffled and then started breathing through my mouth.

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok."

"Good Ry now get some sleep honey."

"Ok," I said as she turned out the lights, "Wait."


"Can you stay with me?"

"Sure sweetie."

Pattie took care of me for the rest of the week that I was sick. Then it was all video games and pizza with the boys from there.


Thx for reading :)

Next up: O2L Prompt

So I found my cat and she was not moving, not breathing. I was so upset and I still miss her. My mom said to wait for my younger and older brother to notice and I get that my younger one is 7, but a 17 year old doesn't notice her absence. This is pissing me off 😤😢 like bruh ask where the damn cat is so I can get the bawling over with again ugh😤😤😤😤😡

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