POV Elsa
I'm walking a small circle. Again I took my phone from my pocket. It has been only 3 minutes! Ah, I can't. This is taking too long. I go lean against the sink and I stare at the white stick again.
I need to wait two more long minutes. I bit my bottom lip as I look at the area where the lines should appear. I got sudden shivers. Do I even want to know?
Slowly I walked to the toilet seat and I sat on the cover. My hand went by it's own to my abdomen. I've been feeling so odd lately. The nurses asked me if I'm pregnant but I said no, on the day when I fainted while Anna was at surgery.
I've felt so sick and unease. Actually I don't know for sure which result I want. Would I want to live like this, without child? I lost my first child what if it happens again?
On the other hand...
A smile spread on my face as I pictured Jack laughing happily and lifting a small little bundle against his chest. How he would wipe my hair away from my forehead and plant a kiss.
"Els!" Jack shouted from behind the door and he started knocking at the door.
"Uh, what?" I responded with my voice cracking.
"What are you doing there? You even locked the door. Are you okay"? Jack sounded concerned.
I let out a small laughter, "Sure. Why wouldn't I be?"
"That's good.. Now.. could I please use the bathroom?" Jack pleaded.
"Use the one downstairs," I replied quickly as I glance quickly at the pregnancy test. Just one more minute.
"Babe,you know that this is my house," Jack laughed and I heard him slamming his fist against the door.
"Since when you called me that! And wait a little longer.. I'm a woman, women want to umm.. spent time in bathrooms," I chuckled nervously.
"Yep," Jack said and I heard how he most likely started sitting against the door.
"Could I have some privacy here?" I pleaded as I touched the door.
"No," Jack sounded teasing as I heard his muffled voice.
I rolled my eyes and I quickly glance at the time again. Finally, now it has been six minutes so the result should be there. But do I really want to know?
My heart beats rapidly inside my chest as my trembling fingers lift the thin stick. I inhaled deeply.
Just one line. One single line. I took the result paper, yeah. It's a negative. I sighed and stuffed it into a small plastic bag which I hid inside my pants. I'm going to throw it out later. He doesn't need to know.
"I'm done now you can--," I started as I opened the door. I got startled when I saw Jack waiting at the doorway. A sly smirk slowly crawled to his face on his thin lips. He leaned against the doorway and blocked my way wait.
"I can what?" Jack grinned and I saw his eyes wandering on my body.
"Y-you can do whatever you were planning to," I smiled and tried to duck beneath his arm. Quickly he grabbed me into an embrace and then he lifted my legs around his waist.
"Frost!" I gulped as he started laughing. He walked inside the bathroom and made me sit on the sink. My cheeks flushed to the way he looked at me.
"I could have used the other bathroom..but.. the thing I wanted was here," Frost smiled and kissed my neck. It made me have shivers when his cool lips were traveling on my neck.

She Stole My Heist ( Jelsa / Big 5 / Big 6 )
FanfictionHe's all over the news in Burgess. "The Snowflake Burglar" as some call him, leaves sprayed snowflakes on every crime scene under the name Jack Frost. He's the usual cocky and mysterious thief who is independent and works alone with his friend Hiccu...