New Cover and Stuff

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So I had picked up three competers from your contest submissions. Then I asked some people which one was their favorite.

Here are the results:

1. Frosted_CuriOZity

2. V_Sparklez

3. (don't know your WP username!!! WHO ARE YOU ! xD Your lastname sounds italian and there was one pic where Elsa and Jack touch through glass)


Give her a follow and read her books! I'm already following but I shall check out your story Christmas Sweater as soon as I have time! (If you don't see votes coming at next Sunday at the latest.. remind me xDD)

Starting from now.. I have new cover

And I will try to post the images of your submissions in upcoming chapters!


Hopefully on tuesday 6th January :).
Or Do you want one?

Perverted QuadrupletsA book created by four perverts:

@melantha123 @jelsaforever21 @CrazyNala2681 @PrincessSelene04

Published on my WP profile as a book.

Read the products of our perverted minds.

Must warn ya.. the idea came in chapter 38 of She Stole My heist O_O

She Stole My Heist ( Jelsa / Big 5 / Big 6 )Where stories live. Discover now