POV Jack
Why are they shipping us together anyway? After meeting White Blizzard, uh I mean Elsa, I have been thinking. I need to actually know the reasons to stand up against it. Time to dive into that sugar coated fluffy world called fanfictions.
"What was the fanfictions name again? Stolen Kiss?" I search it and then I managed to find it. I hesitated a little but then I opened it up. Smile, laughter, smart and sassy attitude.. I am reading through the reasons they think that Snowflake Burglar would like in her and then I reached the part where he confessed that he loves her. It was mostly written in Snowflake Burglar's point of view, the story.
I go and check on the doorway that no one is listening and I go to my laptop again. I start to read aloud.
"While the rain was pouring down Snowflake Burglar was breathing angrily and glaring at his opponent. He pinched her against the wall and was feeling frustrated when once again a robbery had gone wrong when his mind got distracted by her.
White Blizzard pouted and tried to struggle free, Snowflake Burglar couldn't help but to admire her fierce nature. 'Calm down, I am not going to hurt you,' he whispered and looked around the corner. He knew that just before she was running away from someone. When a guard came around the corner Snowflake Burglar easily knocked down him."
Uh, this sounds too familiar. Wasn't she in trouble similar to that? Oh, well.. it must be a coincident. I cleared my throat and continued reading aloud from the next chapter.
"Snowflake Blizzard feared that her feelings towards him were not the same level. She hasn't confessed to him, not even once even though he opened his heart to her. The fear of being rejected was pressing down his cheerful spirit and he just wished for even the slightest hint. Will she like him or not?"
I rolled my eyes, "Well, obviously she hates me." I look at the clock and it is 2am already and I stretch. "Time to catch some sleep," I yawned and went to bed. I took my phone and started to go through messages, then it hit me and I went to Wattpad.
I stared at mine and Iceheart93's private message box and I was hesitating, should I look at it? Well, it can't hurt me at least. I sighed, I really had fun conversations with her and she had to turn out as White Blizzard. My sworn enemy, frinemy? Actually I have no idea anymore.
It has been a couple of days from our last message. Is she avoiding me? Normally she sends me at least one in a day.. then I respond.. she responds and we chat all day. Her sarcastic humor mixes well with mine, Hiccup has his own.. type of humor.
'What ya doing?' - ArtOfFun
'None of your business.' -Iceheart93
Wow she responded quickly. I chuckled and typed some more.
'Oh really?' -ArtOfFun
'I am behind of your window. I will steal your possessions. HA!' -Iceheart93
I grinned to that message. 'I doubt that.' -ArtOfFun
No responses and it is 4am. No point of try to sleep anymore, so a warm shower sounds nice at this point. While I squeezed shampoo to my hand my thoughts went to her. "Huh.. the color seems like her hair color," I whispered and then I placed the platinum blonde colored shampoo to my head and rubbed.
As usual, I tied a towel around my waist after the shower. Another smaller one I used to dry my hair which was always not so neat looking. I opened the shower door.
'White Blizzard was here >: ).'
I saw a text written in my bathroom mirror to the smoky surface after the warm shower had done its tricks. I gasped and backed up, the floor was wet and I flew down, hitting my head to shower wall. "Ouch," I groaned and rubbed my head.

She Stole My Heist ( Jelsa / Big 5 / Big 6 )
FanficHe's all over the news in Burgess. "The Snowflake Burglar" as some call him, leaves sprayed snowflakes on every crime scene under the name Jack Frost. He's the usual cocky and mysterious thief who is independent and works alone with his friend Hiccu...