POV Anna
"Kristoff! Where's the fudge!" I yelled to him as I was molding the chocolate.
"It's right on the counter. Check there, I'm a bit busy," he replied and I go to the shop. He was serving ice creams to five children and I hummed while smiling.
Finally I managed to find the fudge so I could finish the chocolate bars that I was doing. I returned to the shop to sell the chocolates for the people who were already lining up.
"Anna, I think that you got a message to your phone," Kristoff told me when he noticed me getting back.
"Thanks Toffie," I giggled as I grabbed my phone from the desk. Indeed the message light was flickering and after serving customers I was able to check it out. It was from Elsa.
She had sent me a picture message. It was rather funny one.
'Elsa! Why is the grand theft-- who happens to be your husband - dressing a doll with diaper?'
'He needs to learn ;) -Elsa'.
We use Whatsapp to message and suddenly I see Elsa sending a voice recording to me. I press play.
"Can't you just change the diapers! This is freaking HARD!" Frost was groaning on the recording. My eyes widen.
I pressed record and then I squealed "OH GOD! ARE YOU TWO HAVING A BABY!" The idea made me laugh and jump. Kristoff was staring at me weirdly and some customers who arrived look at me like I'm crazy. I cleared my throat quickly.
Elsa started typing.
'Oh my! Anna! When I played your recording it made Jack drop the baby -- I mean the doll - in accident!'
'Sorry. I'm just so happy!!'
'I know Anna, I know. So are we.'
'OH OH!! I have name suggestions! Bonnie if it's a girl or Clyde if it's a boy. They are criminals like you two.' I texted to Elsa.
'Err...Anna, no thanks. They sort of died : ).'
'Good point. You should really come to visit or I should visit you. Deal?'
'Yes. I need to go Anna. Jack got tangled with the diaper. Ps. he was the one who said that we should practice.. And we still have few months to go. Haha!'
'Ttyl. Love you <3.'
'<3 u too. Bye.'
"Toffie! Guess what!" I chirped out.
"Elsa is having a baby?" Kristoff sighed.
"Umm.. how did you know?" I asked quietly as I charged one customer.
"Just a lucky guess," Kristoff grinned and turned himself back at serving next customer. "What flavor?" He asked.
POV Elsa
They're following me already, I can feel it. The sensation crawls up on my spine, as I sense the presence of my stalkers. My mind tells me to run but I reason myself, that everything will be fine. Besides, Jack promised me a chocolate bar when I return unharmed. And he promised to shoot their heads off if they even cut a single piece of hair from my head.
Time to let them get me. I feel my heart beating fast as adrenaline bumps into my veins. I did a sharp turn to alley, to give them a perfect place to catch me. Then I pretended that I was typing something on my phone, their steps were coming towards me.

She Stole My Heist ( Jelsa / Big 5 / Big 6 )
Hayran KurguHe's all over the news in Burgess. "The Snowflake Burglar" as some call him, leaves sprayed snowflakes on every crime scene under the name Jack Frost. He's the usual cocky and mysterious thief who is independent and works alone with his friend Hiccu...