40 New Beginnings

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Art is done by lovely @Kaity_Malfoy <3.

Just something before you start reading.

I'm going to delete my account in one week. This will be the last chapter to this book. I'm through with Wattpad and going away.


Hehe.. just kidding.

Sorry for the update taking so long! But yeah, I seriously thought of deleting my account just a while ago. Dunno, I'm a bit moody xDD. However, I'm gonna stay and write this book ^-^. Let's say that things from their past will be revealed, more robberies.. and.. the big 6 might happen.. maybe?

POV Jack

Elsa pressed against my chest better as we sat on the floor. We were facing her furious sister who placed her hands on her hips. "Explain," she ordered and I glance at Elsa.

"But first.. get your filthy hands off from my sister..thief," Anna hissed like she's going to bite me. Yeah, like angry snake.

"I thought that you fangirled him?" Elsa sighed and I look at her.

"What?" I gasped.

"YEAH I DID!" Anna screamed and then pointed at me. "But he ruined it! I didn't know that the awesome thief of everyone's dreams would be some freaking cheater called Jackson Overland. YOU RUINED SNOWFLAKE BURGLAR!" Anna shouted and I quickly jump up and back against the wall since she was about to sunk her fist into my face.

"Hey! WHOA! Hold on!" I kept on telling as I protected my head.

"Anna, don't!" Elsa begged as she grabbed Anna from her shoulders.

"Elsa. Are you seeing what I see? He is the freaking cheater and he just messed up my whole OTP!" Anna growled and gave me a murdering look. Then she managed to pull herself off and I felt how she gave me a blow with her fist to my stomach. I fell to floor, gasping for air.

"No, Anna! Don't hurt him," Elsa cried and kneeled next to me.

"I thought...ngh.. that you wanted an explanation?" I managed to say while catching my breath.

"Yes. I still do and stop going close to my sister, jerk," Anna said angrily.

"Technically she came to me," I chuckled and I saw Anna clenching her fist again.

"He saved me Anna. He brought me to hospital," Elsa whispered and entwined her fingers with mine. I glance at her and I see her staring at her sister keenly, holding her breath.

"Wait.. so who brought you to hospital. Jackson Overland or Snowflake Burglar?" Anna looked at us both and tapped her foot to floor.

"They both," Elsa said simply and Anna's eyes widened.

"So you knew?" Anna gasped for air and Elsa got nervous. "Elsa. You've been ruining my one true pairing for ages without telling me? And then you, " Anna glared at me, "-how dare you ruin my perfect image of Snowflake Burglar. HOW DARE YOU CHEAT MY SISTER!"

Anna pulled Elsa back and slapped my cheek. "HEY! Stop hurting your brother-in-law!" I shouted and covered my head as I felt another fist hit. Then it ended.

"My what?" Anna exhaled.

"She's my wife," I groaned and I see how Elsa comes back to me. I'm leaning against the wall, sitting and panting. My lower lip is bleeding after Anna's conversation.

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