POV Elsa
Egg scramble seems not so attempting right now, I am moving it from side to side with my fork. I am staring at my food, my mind is off.
I startle when Anna slams the orange juice bottle to breakfast table. "Oh c'mon Elsa! You've been acting weird lately! Just tell me.. are you fighting with your boyfriend?" Anna sat next to me and her elbow were on the table as she leaned her chin against her hands.
My cheeks blushed, "N-no but.. I need to speak to him about--." Anna gasped and I startled again, "YOU'RE PREGNANT! Oh my god! That is why you are not eating!" Anna squealed and I told her to hush. Soon all the neighbors would hear.
"I am not pregnant!" I snapped and she pouted. "Oh.. I was already planning to go to see some baby stuff," she sighed and gave me a teasing smile. I started to laugh and she laughed with me. Then she became more serious, "Anyway Elsa. You can tell me everything. You know that?" Anna smiled and I nodded.
Actually I can't tell her everything. I feel sick since soon I will have to get into car and drive to Jack. Then I need to somehow get him to come with me and see Pitch. We should work together for Pitch on next mission since Pitch is determined that we both are needed.
When Anna left to work I took Punzie's car keys. Gladly she loans me her car while she can go with Flynn. They are dating secretly from Gothel and I wish that he would take her away from that awful woman.
The travel to Jack's house went, I realized that I reached my destination when I actually was parked in front of his mansion. I am tapping the wheel with my fingers and getting nervous. I open up the car door.
Standing in front of the front doors feels not righ, it is not my style. I run to the left and I reach the wall that leads to Jack's window. I smile slyly before I start to climb up. There are roses climbing up the wall and I am using them as my help. Some spikes are cutting my hands but I don't care about me getting hurt.
When I was at his window I slowly opened it and went inside. I see Jack laying on the bed and his face is covered with an open book. Slowly I am tip toeing closer, I wonder if he is sleeping.
"I am not asleep," I hear him saying while he lifts the book away. "I knew that," I whispered and went to him. He smirked, "Why are you so nervous today? You could have just sent me a PM if you had something bothering you?"
I sighed and looked at him. "Uh.. you remember your promise? To be in one of Pitch's missions," I whispered and he started to sit. "So you came to get me?" He said steadily and I nodded. He rubbed his forehead and closed his eyes. "Just wait a moment," He stood up and went to living room. I heard his muffled voice as he told to his sister that he will be going out.
"I told Ems that I would be gone for a while.. It turned out that she has date tonight," Jack said and sounded concerned. I found it sweet that he cares about his sister that much. "I know how you feel, I have a sister too," I smiled and he gave me a faint smile. "So, we should get going?" Jack sighed and I nodded.
Jack rolled his eyes. "No blindfolds or tying me up," he said while he walked past me. The day was bright when the summer sun was shining. His brown hair was shining like gold when sunlight hit them. He went to sit on the car and I sat on the driver's seat. He was leaning his chin to his hand as he stared forward for the whole drive.
"You should look at the road," he sighed in bored way. I blushed and turned my head but I could swear that he smirked mischievously after. Punzie run to meet us and she squealed when she saw Jack. Jack waved his hand to her and walked past her.

She Stole My Heist ( Jelsa / Big 5 / Big 6 )
FanficHe's all over the news in Burgess. "The Snowflake Burglar" as some call him, leaves sprayed snowflakes on every crime scene under the name Jack Frost. He's the usual cocky and mysterious thief who is independent and works alone with his friend Hiccu...