POV Hiccup
This weekend I will be sober. No questions asked, it just. Well, the thought of last weekend still makes me feel extremely bad. And having a headache. That's bad, right?
So I'll be a responsible adult again, check out my emails, feed my cat and have a nice breakfast. After that I will take care of my financial stuff.. and Jack's also since he definitely isn't the most responsible type. At least he takes care of people that are important to him but numbers. Hah! Don't even get me started.
The sound of my alarm clock caught my attention. "Oops, it's 10am already," I chuckled but soon the air left from my lungs when Toothless jumped on my stomach and started to paw me. "Stoop!" I yelled but he frowned and started to lick my face before purring. This cat acts crazy sometimes, he thinks that he can fly. He just jumps down from shelves when he tries to catch some flies.
"Let me get up," I laughed and lifted Toothless from me. He glared at me and then he tiptoed out of the bedroom, holding his half length tail straight and heading up. He got in a accident as a kitten, loosing part of his tail.
I ruffled my messed up hair and went to bathroom. Then my phone rang and I run to respond. "Hey mom!" I yelled happily. "How's your homeless cat rescue business going?" A wide smile spread to my face when I listened to her. "That's great to hear mom!" I said happily to her when she told me that most of the cats have been handed to new loving homes.
'How's your leg Hiccup?' She asked. I gulped, "Well it has not been aching." I said straight forward and she hummed. No one knows that I lost it as a ten year old. Jack just thinks that I was out of Burgess for one year because of my dads work. It's not like that though, I got a tumor which caused my leg being amputated.. I was in rehabilitation for almost a year. It was too hard to tell him about it, I didn't want to make him worry. Heck, I was a twelve year old then.
Jack made fun of me sometimes, when I limped as a kid and couldn't take part to sports like everyone else. One day he changed and stopped making fun of me. Well, now I'm wearing a custom artificial leg.. done by me. Moving isn't easy still but no one hardly can tell the difference. I just don't know how Merida is going to take it when she finds out.
'Let's continue our chat little later son,' mom said warmly. "Sure, loving you mom," I said and ended our call. It was already 11am and I decided to make some coffee and go to my computer. I'm lousy when it comes eating breakfast. Usually I just skip it and move directly to lunch.
After feeding Toothless with some gourmet fish, because he just keeps glaring at me if I give him canned food, I went to my computer. I had my shizzling hot cup of coffee next to me when I checked my email. "Some advertizes again.. oh and new update to Anna's.. ahem.. RoyalCheerios' book!" I grinned happily but then cleared my throat. I need to sort out official stuff at first or this Saturday will be a disaster.
My mind trailed to think of the meeting with Merida tomorrow. I will have a brunch with her family. She warned me for some reason, she gave extra warning on her little brothers. It's nice to meet her family finally. I just miss my family, my mother disappeared to her cat aiding work when I was a baby, my dad hated cats for some reason but when Toothless moved to us he fell in love with them. However when my mom came back to our lives, my dad left from life. He was murdered.
After taking a quick sip of coffee my thoughts were back on the thing I was doing. When I had checked my emails I got to our online bank. "Mmh.." I hummed same time as I was drinking the last drops of my coffee.. "WHAT!" I yelled and spat the coffee all over the screen. "Crap," I said with slight panic when I wiped the screen clean with my sleeve.

She Stole My Heist ( Jelsa / Big 5 / Big 6 )
FanfictionHe's all over the news in Burgess. "The Snowflake Burglar" as some call him, leaves sprayed snowflakes on every crime scene under the name Jack Frost. He's the usual cocky and mysterious thief who is independent and works alone with his friend Hiccu...