A/N: This chapter contains italics (not italy but the text looks different, it is editing style. which are quite necessary so you would understand the idea.
POV Elsa
I have been free for this weekend. We got good money from Jafar because we stole the lamp for him. I got to be with my sister, or technically I would have but she had free time also. She kept typing something on her pink Upple computer. The curiousity grew inside of me each moment, she barely ate anything while she was writing.
The weekend went by me checking the news. Someone had hinted about White Blizzard being a girl and there was even a blurry shot taken by a security camera. It only showed some of my French braid. The media calls the hint giver as "Dragon Rider," which calls out a nerd to me.
Now the day had moved to Monday and Anna had gone to work with Kristoff. I am staring at her computer and stretching my fingers. Should I check up what she has been doing. At least she seemed excited. "Just a peek!" I gulped and then I opened her computer.
I saw how the desktop was updating itself. "Finally!" I gasped and opened Anna's web browser. "So, most frequently visited sites.. Hmm.. Dreamwriters?" I read her surfing history. I clicked the site open. "Oh! She is logged in!" I squealed.
"Criminal Hearts?" I read a title in her works. I start to read.
' Once again the mysterious thief that hardly no one saw was glaring at her new crime scene. She was called the White Blizzard who could steal anything and in anytime. Her eyes were nailed to a bank which she was soon to be robbing empty. Hardly did she know at that point that her life would change forever."
I read the first paragraph and it satisfied me, my sister is now fangirling me instead of that idiotic guy, named Snowflake Burglar by the media. I couldn't resist to read more, my sister doesn't know about my criminal side but I sure am interested on this one.
'White Blizzard knocked out the guards at the bank and made her way in. She managed to pick the locks easily and took all the money she could carry. Suddenly she heard someone laughing behind of her before she left the vault. "I was here first," a male voice spoke to her. Her platinum blonde hair waved in the pace of her fast turn.
Her eyes were looking at a guy, smirking with his picture perfect white teeth. She admired the cyan blue eyes that she could almost drown to. Her heart fluttered when the guy chuckled and his hand ruffled his messy type of silver white hair. "Who are you?" White Blizzard sighed in awe.'
"WHAT!" I gasped after reading the last sentence. The next paragraphs were shocking me, "WAIT! WAIT! That didn't happen!" I yelled when I read myself falling in love with the Snowflake Burglar. "I am not this flirty! No, no.. no.." I kept on reading and my hands went cold. "Married.. you've gotta be kidding me Anna," I whispered when I read chapter 15 'Runaway Bride.'
I gulped when I kept on reading forward. "ANNA!" I screamed even though she couldn't hear me. She is at work. I had read the latest paragraph from latest chapter which I am now regretting dearly.
' The new life that grew inside of her made both her and the one she fell in love with truly happy. She decided to give away her criminal acts to joy the life with her family to be. Soon they would a child of their own. She wanted a safe life for her children, without worrying of being caught. She rubbed her belly and smiled warmly, their baby had just kicked the first time. She felt how her dear husbands arms wrapped around her, embracing his wife and the future mother of his child. The former Snowflake Burglar and the White Blizzard would now live together and raise their family before anything else.'

She Stole My Heist ( Jelsa / Big 5 / Big 6 )
FanfictionHe's all over the news in Burgess. "The Snowflake Burglar" as some call him, leaves sprayed snowflakes on every crime scene under the name Jack Frost. He's the usual cocky and mysterious thief who is independent and works alone with his friend Hiccu...