POV Hiccup
This new program that I'm creating for my computer is going to be awesome. It will mess up entire safety systems in banks whenever I want! It's perfect for our robberies. Yeah, I'm the computer genius and I have to admit it. Jack can barely find a game from computer and open it. That's what you get for being a bookworm.
Suddenly my phone beeped but I was still really busy with writing the code and I ignored it. I rolled with my chair to my other desk where my other computer screen was flashing. Multitasking is my kind of thing, I'm creating, downloading and writing a love letter at the same time.
Most likely the text that I got is going to be from Merida. She's going crazy with her wedding planning, nope, not because she is going crazy with planning but she's going crazy because of her mom who got crazy about the planning. Yeah, sounds complicated and it is. Merida can be quite scary when she's angry.
My eyes wandered to look at a project that I have been working on for some time. With my hand I turned the working light to point at some electronics that were laying on my project desk. I started to heat up a metallic wire since I needed to connect electronic chips to each other and then my phone went crazy with messages and my hands shook a bit. I groaned when the mother board was ruined and then I rolled with my chair back to my computer table.
With one angry grasp I took my phone from table. Merida wanted me to call her right now and I rolled my eyes. She wants to complain about her mum again. Quickly I called her back and she sounded anxious but in a different way than ever before. "What's wrong Mer?" I asked and she growled. That's new.
"That friend of yours!" She shouted and caused me to startle. "Which one? Jackson or Flynn?" I asked since she knew them both. "That artist! Jackson!" She hissed and I kept silent while waiting for her opening up to me. "You know what he did?" Merida said with poison dripping from her words.
"Uh.. what did he do?" I whispered and Merida sighed. "You should watch television sometimes and not just work with your computers.. He cheated on Anna's sister, Elsa and then dumped her! I freaking will strangle him if I see him," Merida muttered.
"Whoa! Slow down! He did what?" I raised my voice. Jack couldn't do that? Could he? I even warned him not to hurt her feelings. This can't be happening.
"He cheated on her and then broke up with her. I mean c'mon! What bastard does that?" Merida said with pure hate piercing through her words like needles. "Yeah, I know," I whispered and then we remained silent for a while.
"Hey Mer," I broke the silent with saying my words quietly. "Yeah?" She said while sounding bitter still. "I will hang up now. I'll deal with him," I said simply and she hummed. "Don't do anything that I wouldn't do," she ordered me and I laughed blankly. "Like hanging him down from a tree?" I asked.
"Precisely," Merida said with so much determination that I decided not to let her near Jack. I don't want my fiancée end up in prison from a murder of some mindless and stupid idiotic friend of mine.
When I had ended my call with Merida I gritted my teeth and my body was shaking from rage. There has to be a good explanation. Even my fingers are shaking when I'm typing my message to Jack and asking when he is at home.
Jack told me to come at his place after two hours. He isn't busy. Well, he is have to explain everything and all is going to be just fine. Nothing can be that wrong. A perfect explanation and soon we all will be laughing at this misunderstanding. I just need to act tough for a while to make him tell me what's caused this unfortunate situation.
I couldn't do anything constructive while I waited for the time to pass. My only thoughts were going round and round again with the ideas of how to ask what happened and then how to fix it. The way how my mind was trailing off was odd. Noticing myself searching the internet after gossips was odd but I found out Jack's new love and then I did more research.

She Stole My Heist ( Jelsa / Big 5 / Big 6 )
FanfictionHe's all over the news in Burgess. "The Snowflake Burglar" as some call him, leaves sprayed snowflakes on every crime scene under the name Jack Frost. He's the usual cocky and mysterious thief who is independent and works alone with his friend Hiccu...