She Stole My Heist 2 is published!

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The sequel is now out! YAYY!

Will you join? ^^


Burgess is being shaken by the news of White Blizzard's identity. Elsa Overland is now being charged by something horrible and she should pay the ultimate price for her crime.

Jackson Overland, the famous Snowflake Burglar who also goes by the name of Jack Frost is devastated. Everything was going well until the Day of Judgment.

Now they are fighting against both law and crimes. There's no certainty if they ever will find their true selves and is there any way out from this mess. Friendships can be found and broken.

The vultures of press are feeding out from their misery and despair.

She Stole My Heist ( Jelsa / Big 5 / Big 6 )Where stories live. Discover now