POV Jack
Every week on Saturday I and Elsa went to cemetery. She missed her best friend dearly, every day even more than before as her pregnancy was going further. Punzie had been really excited of her friend expecting.
We just came out from the cemetery and I take Elsa's hand. She glances at me and gives me her grateful smile. "Do you think that we're safe?" She whispered while touching her abdomen. Just couple more months until our baby would be born.
"I hope so, I haven't left you out of my sight? Have I?" I chuckled as I wipe a hairstrand away from her face. The fact is that Pitch was never found, he and some of his followers managed to escape back then. Still I'm grateful that my wife is here with me now.
"No you haven't. I would really like to go toilet on my own at public places," she sighed and slapped my chest.
"I'm your shield my love," I chuckled as I wrap my arms around her... or I tried, my arms couldn't fully go around her.
"Someone's big," I gasped in amazement.
"That might actually hurt my feelings, you know," she snapped back as she messed up my hair.
"Well, you're the one stretching my hoodie's so they look like tents on me!" I replied quickly as I let go. I touch the stomach part of my hoodie which was now this big bag over me. Her stomach had stretched it out when she borrowed my hoodie at home.
"You know that they are comfortable," she mumbled and I could hear her being embarrassed.
I nod my head, "True but why mine? Get your own pregnancy hoodie or something like that." I sighed.
"Only if you wear it first so it smells like you," she laughed and made my cheeks blush.
"So about the babys gender?" I asked quickly.
"No Jack, I'm not going to ask it on check up today. I want it to be a surprise!" She cheered and I rolled my eyes.
"Stop acting like a child Frost," Elsa mumbled as we were approaching the maternal clinic.
"Good practice for you?" I laughed and she gave me an angry glare that literally froze me for a moment. I apologized quickly before opening up the doors to clinic.
"Haha, that's really funny, troublemaker. I hope that our child isn't like you or I'll get gray hair or sure," Elsa sighed and I laughed by myself.
The doctor didn't see anything wrong and everything was going well with her pregnancy. Even her pregnancy diabetes was well under control and the doctor calmed me down by saying that it will most likely go away when the baby is born.
I glance at Elsa while we're walking to our car. Yeah, I changed into this family van but I still have my motorbike at home. Somehow I wish that she would always look like that, her abdomen is so cutely round and her cheeks have this rosy shade on them. She's so beautiful and expecting my child.
"Jack, you're freaking me out again," Elsa said and raised her eyebrow when she noticed my staring.
"I was just admiring you," I replied while chuckling. My family means the world to me, now I'm just going to stick with art. I'm done with robberies and I just want to focus on them, the ones that matter the most.
Elsa heard a song on the radio and she turned the music louder while I was driving us to home. She grinned and started singing after the beginning of the song.
"I knew you were
You were gonna come to me
And here you are

She Stole My Heist ( Jelsa / Big 5 / Big 6 )
Fiksi PenggemarHe's all over the news in Burgess. "The Snowflake Burglar" as some call him, leaves sprayed snowflakes on every crime scene under the name Jack Frost. He's the usual cocky and mysterious thief who is independent and works alone with his friend Hiccu...