12 Stealing a... Chocolate?

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POV Elsa

Anna has been running around the apartment all day, she has been cleaning and cooking like crazy. "Anna, you shouldn't stress too much," I sighed when she was polishing our shoes. "Yeah but he is artist and rich. He is used to having things looking nice so it is better to be certain so he would think you as good wife material," Anna giggled. "Wife material?" I gasped and she nodded. "Well, you're his girlfriend..Right?" Anna smirked and I agreed while rolling my eyes.

I startled when the doorbell rang. "OOH! He came already, go on and open the door!" Anna squealed and run to her bedroom after stuffing the shoe polish to a flower vase to hide it. I inhaled deeply before I opened the door. Jack was there, glancing over his shoulder, his other hand was stuffed inside of his pants pocket and on the other hand he had a bouquet of roses.

"Why did you bring flowers?" I gasped and he turned to look at me. His free hand went through his hair as he ruffled it and then he looked at me with his warm brown eyes. "Because you asked me for a dinner?" Jack chuckled and gave me the bouquet. I placed the flowers to a vase and Jack stepped inside. "So, Blizz. Where is your sister?" He smirked and in instant my heart felt like it skipped a beat. "Uh, she went to change clothes," I whispered and my cheeks blushed.

Jack laughed, "Something wrong?" I look at my clothes and I realize that I haven't gotten myself ready for dinner. I just had been too busy with preparing food. "Umm.. I will be back soon," I laughed nervously and went to change my clothes.

When I got back I saw Jack throwing jokes with Anna. However I was shocked when I saw that they were looking at our family album. Jack looks over his shoulder while he sits on couch. "Hey! You were a cute baby," Jack spoke to me and flashed out a devious grin. Kristoff was a bit late from Anna's 'couple's dinner date'.

After Kristoff had joined us we all went to sit around table. "So what's your job?" Kristoff asked from Jack and I almost spit out my drink. "Well, I am artist," Jack smiled, "How about you?" Kristoff laughed, "Well I sell ice cream at Anna's shop."

I was ready to catapult a pea to Jack's face with the aid of my fork but I sighed from relief. Anna looked at me in a weird way now as if asking what went over me. Gladly Jack didn't tell about his criminal ways or I would have been in trouble too. I watched the clock when everyone had emptied their plates, "Oh the time.. I think that you had to go now.. dear," I glare at Jack who grins deviously.

Jack leans to his hands while glaring at me, "Anna... I would love to stay and watch that movie you suggested before." Jack laughs and winks to me. How he dares.

"Hey, I will get the snacks ready with Kristoff.. You two can make yourselves comfortable," Anna giggled and left me with Jack to living room. I pouted, crossed my arms and turned my back at him. "I am not talking with you, Frost," I whispered. I felt chills going on my spine when his hand landed on my shoulder and he walked past me.

He was headed to my room. "Wait!" I gasped and run after him as he walked inside. He was looking around, "Last time I felt too sick to get interested about your room." He said and examined my desk. "I don't keep my gig plans in my room, you know," I snapped at him and he smirked. "But your personal stuff you keep here?" He chuckled and opened up my drawer. "A diary, huh?" He tilted his head and reached to it. I slammed the drawer shut, "No touching!" I said and went between him and my desk. Bad idea, I was too close to him.

"What's your name?" Jack insisted and grabbed my wrist. "Not telling, take it as a challenge.. thief," I tried to look away from him. "Fine," he backed up and glanced at me. He went to my bookshelf, "The Fault in Our Stars?" He sounded surprised. "Yeah.. why are you so surprised?" I sighed and he blushed. "For no reason, you seem to read books," he whispered and I gave him 'are you serious' look. I had two bookshelves filled out with books and he is surprised that I read.

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