Part 2 - School

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*y/n POV*

My HOY wrote me a note for first lesson on a Friday I had Physics. I don't really pay much attention in Physics since I think it's boring and I never understand the work. I mostly mess around in most of my lessons I most of my teachers hate me.

I got to Physics I was only 10 minutes late to my lesson. I walked in and put the note straight on sirs desk and walked straight passed him without saying a word to him. He was one of my worst teachers. He always sends me out even if it isn't my fault. I went straight to the back of the class to go sit next to my best friend Millie. She was my only friend in this lesson and all we did was mess around. We started to talk and the teacher straight away told me to be quiet even though there were other kids talking he only told me to be quiet.

I kept talking to Millie and sir got fed up.
Sir- go stand outside now
y/n- but sir everyone else was talking and you only send me out. THATS NOT FAIR!
Sir- now y/n!

I got up and went and stood outside. I slammed the door on my way out and I could hear the whole class shouting "oooos"

I stood outside I was so annoyed. I punched the wall I couldn't contain my anger I let it out on the wall.


She slammed the door behind her and the class all shouted "ooos."
I told the whole class to be quiet and they did you could of heard a pin drop.

I went to my computer and started to e-mail her HOY. I had said that I need her to come get y/n because she is out of control.

She came down and started to talk to me and I had explained everything.

*y/n POV*

My HOY walked passed me and went into my physics class. I had figured out that she was here for me and my physics teacher is only gonna tell her his perspective on what happens and of course she's gonna believe him she always does.

My hand was bruised and was in excruciating pain. I had teary eyes but I couldn't cry not here. Not in front of people.

My HOY walked out of the classroom.
HOY- y/n go and get your belongings from that lesson and come back out here.
Y/n- Fine.

I went back into my Physics class and grabbed my bag and threw it over my back. I briefly told Millie that I'm probably gonna be with the HOY all day and to meet me outside school after school and phone me.

I got up and left Physics and my HOY was just stood there.
HOY- follow me then y/n
She sounded so disappointed in me she wasn't too happy to see me.

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