Part 11 - School

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*Skip to Monday*

*y/n POV*

I was woken up by my alarm at 8:00am. I got up and took a shower. I did my makeup and put my school uniform on.

 I did my makeup and put my school uniform on

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I wore this.

I decided not to wear the blazer and not to wear tights to school to see how far I could push the HOY of this school.

I went downstairs and Simon was awake and had already made me some breakfast which was eggs on toast with some bacon.

Simon- is that what your wearing?
y/n- ye what's wrong with it.
Simon- calm your attitude Now. And I was just asking shouldn't you have a blazer and you should be wearing tights.
y/n- well I don't want to.
Simon- well I don't want a phone call from your HOY today at all so don't get into any trouble or anything okay.
Simon- okay?
y/n- okay.

I knew that I was going to get into trouble today but I'm hoping Simon won't find out.

I leave the house for 8:45 am and I have to be at school for 8:50 for registration. I went to the corner shop just outside the school and stole some sweets and a bottle of alcohol I didn't know what one it was I just stole it so I could drink some in school.

I arrived at school for 9:00am cause I went to the shops but my HOY doesn't know that.

My HOY gave me my time table and gave me a warning and told me if I don't wear my tights and a blazer to school tomorrow that I'll get an after school. I didn't care at all about what she said. By the time she had given me everything I needed and went over a few rules it was first lesson in which I had biology. And I hate every science lesson.

I got to the class and sat at the back with a girl called Zoe. We instantly clicked we were chatting and singing in the class together.

The biology teacher. I forgot his name so I just call him sir. He was a total prick he kept picking on me and I had had enough with him so I kinda snapped.

Sir - y/n why don't you tell us the answer since it seems like your talking to Zoe so much.
y/n - well sir I don't know the answers just cause I'm talking doesn't mean I know the answers alright.
Sir - don't give me attitude like that young lady that's your first warning. Your the only one talking.
y/n - are seriously joking sir you must be blind loads of other people are talking just as much as I was.
Sir - y/n second warning I suggest you stop talking and carry on with your work.
y/n - I'm not doing the work you can fuck right off.
Sir - and that's your third warning go stand outside the classroom and leave your things on the desk I'm going to call for your HOY.
y/n - uhhhhhh that's so unfair.

I got up out of my chair and knocked it on the floor I walked as slowly as I can out the room just to annoy Sir a little more and then to top it off I slammed the door on my way out and just leaned against the wall outside the classroom.

I could hear the clip clop of my HOYs shoes coming down the hall way. I was not in the mood to listen to her shout at me.

I was told to go grab my things and sit outside of her office. So that's exactly what I did. I walked back into biology and grabbed my bag and I slowly put everything in my bad and put my coat on so I could tell Zoe what's going on.

Zoe - hey y/n give me your Snapchat so we can message later
y/n - ye okay it's y/n.123 what's your name so im not just adding some random stranger.
Zoe - mines ZoeSmithy
Sir - y/n can you hurry up and stop talking with Zoe. I'm trying to teach a lesson
y/n - sir I don't give a shit about your lesson.

I got up and said bye to Zoe and went to my HOYs office. She was stood there waiting for me with the look of pure anger in her face.

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