Part 25 - No Changes

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*y/n's POV*

I wasn't in a good mood after blanc called me and Harry trying to interfere in my life. I don't need anyone's help. When we got home all I wanted to do was go to my room and be alone away from everyone. But Josh told me to stay behind so he could talk to me. All the other boys made their way to the house.

I sat on the stones while Josh had to take a phone call.

*Harrys POV*

I walked through the house and I was debating weather to talk to Simon about y/n. I decided that Simon should know so I went up to him and asked if we could talk.

Simon- hey bro what's up
Harry- I think there's something wrong with y/n.
Simon- what do you mean?
Harry- well she was on the phone earlier and I think it was one of her exes and she has a massive change in mood one second she's happy the next second she's angry.
Simon- so what you suggesting?
Harry- maybe she goes to see a therapist or something. Go get her checked out or something.
Simon- ye we've tried to take her to see a therapist once but she refused and started to freak out.

*y/n's POV*

Josh finally got off the phone. I was not having any of it. I was in a horrible mood. I just stared at him.

Josh- right all I want to say is when we go back into the house I want you to stay downstairs for the rest of the day until nine o'clock.
y/n- whyyy? I don't want to.
Josh- cause I said so. So you'll do as I told.
y/n- you're not my dad you can't tell me what to do. LEAVE ME ALONE.
Josh- y/n you will stay downstairs or else I'll take away all your electronic devices.
y/n- you can't do that.
Josh- watch me.
y/n- fine

I was forced to stay downstairs otherwise I would loose my phone and Xbox. So I sat on the corner of the sofa out of the way from everyone so I wouldn't have to talk to anyone.

*Joshes POV*

y/n hasn't said a word to anyone since she's been down here. I'm trying to keep her with us as much as possible so she won't sneak out or feel like she's alone. I want her to bond with the guys a bit more.

Josh- so y/n how's school??

She just gave me a look which indicated for me to shut up. So I let her be while I went in the garden to film a video with Vikk JJ Tobi and Ethan.

*Simons POV*

I saw y/n sat on the sofa by herself and lately I've been wanting to spend more time with her.

Simon- hey y/n I was wondering if you would like to come to do the food shop with me.

She took a slight pause*

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