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Since the beginning of life as Grisha knew it there had been tales of Grisha able to control the human body with only a flick of their hand. They were also known as the cruor regla, most people thought them to be myths as no one has come across one since before the fold had been created. When the king was basking in power he hunted them down until he thought every last one of them were exterminated.

Most people thought them to be abominations as they were somewhat part Corporalki and part Etherealki, though no one knew the full potential of their power, and because of that it was never determined just in fact what they were.

If you were to remind someone of the old tales of the cruor regla, or the blood benders as they were called by the people that feared the thought of a Grisha powerful enough to control a human being, and maybe another Grisha. As most people would cower away from such a creature, there was one person who aching to have one by his side, and for over half his life had been in search of one. And soon his day of luck would come.


"General there's been reports of a girl from the other side of the fold, they claim that she is cruor regla"

Redamancy//General KiriganWhere stories live. Discover now