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CHAPTER SEVEN__________________________

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After last night's unexpected adventure Katarina had slept better than she had for days, even though her bed was soft and warm, it was nothing compared to the warmth the General made her feel. The ways she made her heart face just by saying her name, the way he had kissed her as if there was no tomorrow, how he looked her in the eyes as if he could get enough, he made her feel wanted and secure. Even if she didn't need his protection, they both knew he would do everything in his power to keep her safe.

Her time at the Little Palace has changed her as a person, she realized her place in the world, she tasted power and she would never let anyone make her feel like she had before arriving at the palace, she would never be powerless again. She was proud of what she could do, people didn't only fear her they respected her, something she wasn't used to.

Skipping breakfast today seemed like a good idea at the time, on one hand she would be able to read the books she had gotten the day before, and on the other hand, she wouldn't have her ears talked off by Sofia and Zena, it was a solid win. She knew they would ask her noisy questions about her training, and word had gotten around that General Kirigan had given her a present, she didn't feel the need to share that with them.

That morning Genya had sent in one of her helpers to wake her, something about the queen having an important problem that needed fixing. So her morning had been spent cuddled up with Midnight while reading, and mentally preparing herself for her training later, slightly intrigued but also a little skeptical of what the older woman had up her sleeve today.

After finishing the first book the girl had looked outside of her window, admiring the stunning autumn weather as she watched the nearly naked branches of the grand trees. After some deciding the girl had packed away the book in front of her, as she got herself dressed and did her hair, as she made plans to walk around outside for a bit.

As she walked down the grand stairs like she had gotten used to, this time laughing a bit to herself, never had she thought to ever see The Little Palace, now she was living there she could even navigate her way most of the time without asking the guards for help.

The girl made her way out to the garden she had walked in her first day there, this time without company she was able to admire all the beautiful flowers and plants. Mildly shocked as she realized that even due to the weather most of the greenery wasn't dying out, forgetting a bit that she was literally in the garden of the royal palace, they probably never let their florals die out.

Just standing there admiring the peaceful state she was in, surrounded by nature, the chilling winds running through her hair, whiles painting her cheeks red from the cold. What she didn't realize was the man standing in the window of his office looking down at her with a small smile on his face and eyes full of admiration.

In his eyes she was the most breathtaking girl in the world, the way she looked, the way she presented herself and her power, everything about her made him mushy in the head. Normally he wouldn't appreciate a distraction, but in her case, he wouldn't dare change anything, he had waited her years for someone to stand at his side to aid him in his plans, and he had finally done just that.

He watched as the girl made her way towards her training for the day, but she wasn't sad to watch her leave this time, because he knew he would see her again every soon.

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