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CHAPTER FIFTEEN __________________________

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"Wake up Rina, we are going somewhere today." The Girl was slightly shaken awake, as she opened her eyes she met by the beautiful stormy eyes that she knew all too well. Groggily snuggling further into the warm hand he had placed on her cheek, "mmh I'm up love, you have my attention." He smiled at her state, giving her a hand to help her up from the bed so she could get dressed.

After being fully dressed the girl stood in front of the mirror doing her hair, just as she was finished two hands wrapped around her waist, as Aleksander buried his face in her hair, kissing her head. "I gave miss Starkov a black kefta today, though not as special as yours, not even close." The girl didn't know how to answer, or what to answer, she knew he did it for a reason, so without question, she just shook her head accepting his choice in doing so.

When they were ready they went outside where three horses were waiting, one for them and one for the Sun Summoner. They didn't have to wait long before the girl appeared, wearing blue, which seemed like a defeat for the General, but like a victory for Katarina. "You didn't like the colour I chose for you?" It was clear that he was disappointed and mad at the girl.

"Well you are the only ones that wear it." Now that definitely hit a nerve rooted deeply inside Katarina, the girl had ticked her off with her ungratefulness. "Yeah well maybe you should be grateful then, shouldn't you Alina?" She spat at the girl, venom laced in her voice as she glared at the girl. Beside her Kirigan just smiled before turning to the girl, though he had no intention of apologising on the girl's behalf.

"Are you really that eager to be like everyone else?" He looked at her confused, he didn't understand her, not one bit, and definitely not like he understood Katarina. "It would be nice to know what it felt like, General." This girl didn't have any interest in reaching the top, she didn't have spark, the Devin girl let out a breathy laugh at her attitude, this girl was something else. As he was about to mount the horse she looked at Katarina giving her a nod, telling her to be patient, then turning to the other girl, "call me Aleksander." They rote in silence, Katarina had a lot on her mind though, but she was saving that for a later time.

After a while they arrived at a wooded area, a stone water fountain was placed, a little hidden behind trees and stuff. They were ushered to stand in front of the fountain, the General giving them each a coin, which made Katarina quite confused. He then went around to clean up stray sticks, talking to the girl wearing blue as the other was caught up in the thoughts, looking at the beautiful nature they were surrounded by.

"Do you like it at the Little Palace? Is your room satisfactory?" Katarina almost scoffed, it was as if they were having a moment, she didn't like that one bit. The girl went on talking, eventually mentioning Genya. That gave the slight older girl a chance to insert herself into the conversation.

"Yeah Genya is great, isn't she? Even though her main focus is on the queen she always visits, she takes care of Midnight when me and Aleksander are gone." Her words made the man laugh quietly, he knew what she was doing, and he would gladly let her if it meant that it made her feel better.

"I do know how you feel, Miss Starkov, I'd run away and hide here. Once I realised I was the descendent of the most hated Grihsa in all of Ravka, I would come here and I'd make a wish, the same wish every time, that I could be anyone else." The Blood Bender got up to stand beside him, it felt so oddly familiar to her, as she thought back to something she had read. He pulled her into his chest kissing her temple, her touch calming him down. Katarina knew exactly how he felt, what he meant. Aleksander didn't want to be alone, he wanted to be loved.

Looking towards Alina, she nodded to the story on the fountain. She went and told the whole story, Kirigan urging her to go on about The Black Heretic. As she told the story she gave them both a pitied look, in everyone's mind they were the monsters, and she was the solution. "That's why you both look at me like that, right now I'm the solution, but if I fail they'll turn on me. Like they did Katarinas people, and just like they did your people.

Katarina was taking back by her words, though the girl wasn't on her best side she wouldn't let anyone be in a position like that. "Well then we'll make sure that doesn't happen Alina." She nodded her head firmly, walking up to the fountain throwing in her coin.

'I wish to never walk alone in the dark'

Her wish was clear, the only thing that stood out in her mind. After making her wish Aleksander came up behind her, placing an arm around her pulling her into him as he threw a coin, making a silent wish. They had both left when they were done, leaving Alina behind, giving her time to make her wish. When they had returned to the palace, the Sun Summoner had left, going to do whatever was on her schedule. The General told Katarina he was retiring to the office, the girl told him that she would join him shortly, before going to her room. The girl went to her room changing out of her lavish, and heavy kefta, exchanging it for a long black dress.

When she had gotten to the office she didn't even bother knocking, she walked in there to the same sight as always, Aleksander sitting behind his desk doing paperwork. She sat down in front of him, catching his eyes quickly. "You know I read something the other day, it was about Morozova's bloodline. Apparently he had a daughter, and that daughter had a son, a Shadow Summoner. Aleksander Morozova though I think The Black Heretic has a better ring to it, and it's definitely better then Aleksander Kirigan. You're him aren't you? And don't try to deny, you know I'm smarter than that. You knew I'd figure it out, hell you gave me the books, I just haven't figured out why yet."

He got out of his chair, a sly grin evident on his face as he came to stand in front of her. "I wanted you to know because I need you, I need you by my side, you have no idea how long I've waited for you." The ruff skin of his hands was pressed lightly against the soft skin of the side of her neck.

As his eyes never left hers, as she looked into the dark never-ending abyss. "I'll never fail you as they did, they forced you to hide in an addict until your mother died. They made you feel hunted and unwanted, but I'll make them regret it. I'll make them worship you on their knees, I'll make you a queen. Don't you want to make them pay for treating us like scum?"

The girl was mesmerized by the look in his eyes, he wanted her, he needed her, just like she needed him. Unable to speak she just nodded her head, his fiery eyes staring into her innocent orbs. He pulled her into a soft addicting kiss, biting her lower lip as they pulled apart. "Then I promise you, I'll never leave you. I'll guide you through the darkness, and together we will put everyone on their knees." And just like that everything fell into place.


He's so bad but he's so good

Redamancy//General KiriganWhere stories live. Discover now