- FOUR -

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CHAPTER FOUR__________________________

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As the two girls were dragging her away they kept talking and asking questions way too fast for Katarina to follow, so she just nodded agreeing at times to make it seem like she was paying attention. But she wasn't the only thing she had on her mind was the handsome man she had just left behind, she was intrigued by him. She wanted to know every inch of him, he was a mystery she needed to solve.

While she was lost in her thoughts she hadn't noticed they had reached the training grounds, but the girl was soon snapped out of her daze as a rather large man made his way towards her. Of what she had listened to from the rambling Zena and Sofia was the name of the man that taught combat, so she figured the man who walked their way was Botkin.

"Blond bender, they call you, you're powerful but I doubt you can fight." His tone quite obnoxious, Katarina had made up her mind instantly that she did not like this man at all. Everyone had stopped what they were doing, turning their attention towards the girl, some watching her with fear evident in their eyes waiting to see how she would react. Before the girl was giving time to muster up an answer for the rude man, he had already asked a Grisha wearing a blue kefta with light blue embroidery to come fight her.

Without any warning whatsoever the girl wearing blue had swung her fist at her, luckily the Devin girl had managed to duck. Now she'd had it with all these rude people not giving her time to think, so she looked around quickly finding a group of guys wearing blue and red keftas that had huddled up close to her side.

She raised her hands, locking her eyes on a rancher bulky guy, focusing on the sound of the blood that ran through his veins. She took control of his body as she made him fight the girl wearing blue, she controlled the man and he had soon pinned the girl to the ground winning the fight. After that, she had released him while everyone had turned to look at her in shock.

"I know you are used to training the ones that need it, but you see I simply do not. As long as the person attacking, or anyone around for that matter has a single drop of blood in their body they are under my control when I want them to be. They're like puppets on my strings, and quite frankly I cannot see how you are supposed to teach me anything valuable for that matter, because to me you're useless if not used as a puppet."

She spat out with venom laced in her voice, tired of people underestimating her power. She wasn't a little vulnerable girl kept behind closed doors anymore. Now she knows her power, she has the power to not be walked on, and she sure as hell intended to use it. After her show, Botkin asked the two girls that had escorted her down there, help her to return to the room that now was considered as hers, and after they were to report to the generals' office to tell him of what had happened.

So that they did, as they had done prior, one linked on each arm leading her back to the palace, and this time Katarina actually paid attention to everything they were telling her. As they guided her back to her room, she was told they would see her at dinner.

When she had stepped inside and closed her door a small grunt left her lips as she mumbled aggressively about how foolish the trainer had been to question her integrity as he did, applauding herself for the way she had made him look more like a fool than he already did. Slightly worrying about what General Kirigan would think, she could already picture him a little disappointed in her way of approaching the situation.

As she was pacing in her room the door was suddenly pulled open as Genya made her way inside, a proud smile evident on her lips. "I heard what you did, he had it coming that imbecile, and he never stops yelling. I'll assure you everyone had quite a laugh when they were told, some are calling you a puppet master."

At that, they quietly laughed together at the expense of the man while Katarina went into details of his shocked facial expressions, as Genya made sure that the girl didn't have a scratch on her. When the time had come The redhead guided her down to dinner as she was placed between Sofia and Zena, the woman giving her a small hug before making her leave moving elsewhere.

Looking at the head of the table an empty black chair was sat, which she assumed was reserved for The shadow summoner, the reason why it was empty she was left to wonder about. Small talk and conversations were made around the dining room though no one dared asking Katarina anything to personal know they would probably would be safer choosing not to.

After dinner everyone bid their goodbyes returning to their rooms and whatnot, the girl made walked up the stairs moving towards her room ready to get back into the warmth of the bed. Closing the door after she had made her way inside almost getting undressed before she was interrupted by a series of knocks on the door, yelling out to enter as a small boy who didn't look much older than 12, made his way inside carrying a small box filled with holes at the top. He handed her the box not telling her anything as he walked back out the door just as he had came.

Looking at the top there was a letter addressed to her in beautiful cursive writing.

'I hope to help you fulfill your wishes one day, though seeing the world will have to wait I don't see why the second wish would have to. I heard what you did I am not mad, in fact, I am quite impressed, you did well. -AK'

She instantly opened the box knowing it couldn't possibly be what she thought, turns out she was wrong inside the box was intact, a stunning kitten with black fur and big green eyes. She was surprised that the General had gifted her a cat, thinking about the words he wrote a wide smile made its way on her face, heat rushing its way to her checks getting her flustered at the thought. Picking up the kitty placing it on the bed while she changed, later joining the black kat in bed.

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