- TEN -

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CHAPTER TEN__________________________

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The guard had returned soon along with a plate filled with food, and he left just as quick as he had come. The Darkling had watched the girl to make sure she ate enough, though he didn't push her, he knew she probably wasn't eating too little on purpose. The first hour in the office was quiet, the girl sat still engrossed in her book, the man sometimes sneaking glances while she wouldn't notice. Katarina was currently reading about Morozova, and how some claimed that he had discovered the first Blood Bender and gave them guidance, though some thought it to merely be a myth.

She felt conflicted as she read about the people that came before her, the girl knew that her kind of Grisha were rare, even more so after the slaughter issued by the king a long time ago. She felt torns that she didn't know anyone with the same powers as herself, she wanted to be able to know the full extent of what she could do. The books about the Cruor Regla and what exactly they could do were thin on knowledge and filled with myths, after all that's all people thought they were up until she was found.

Myths that people made up to scare children, to make sure they would not stray from the path of good, unless they wished to have a creature appear from the dark to take control of their body. She was slightly jealous of the others, the ones that walked around dressed in blue, she wasn't jealous of their power nor the fact that they fit right into society, she was mad and jealous that they had their own people standing beside them. Society claimed that all Grisha would be welcome in Ravka, met with open arms, but they still made her kind out to be mere monsters of the night, while everyone else were praised and celebrated.

She didn't care how the others called her a puppet master, mercy less and dangerous. She stopped paying any mind to the fact that people didn't dare look her in the eye, she stopped feeling bad that people would flinch as she walked by. They were smart to be scared, she was happy they knew what she could do, her power was and would always be the greatest weapon.

In reality, she knew that she was there better in a way, not that she showed it, but she knew it and she was sure they knew too. You could find ordinary Etherealki and Corporalki everywhere if you'd wish, but the chances of coming across someone like her were slim, and that made her valuable.

And as she thought about it the man sitting opposite to her, was in the same position. He was feared, respected, and admired by some. Softly she closed the book in her lap, which gained the attention of the General. The girl carefully placed the book on the desktop, making sure to not wake the cat that had crawled into a chair placed beside her, and had fallen asleep. The girl made sure to look him directly in the eyes, gaining his full attention before speaking.

"Could you show me how you summon shadows?" Her silky soft voice the only thing being hard, the request caught him off guard, he didn't ever hide his power so to speak, he was humble using it when needed. Though he could understand why she was curious. The only Shadow Summoner that most knew about, his kind even rarer than hers. Without giving it too much thought he obliged, motioning her to stand up as he did so himself.

He placed her in front of him, towering over her in a position they both had become quite familiar with. He looked into her eyes, giving her a look to make sure she was ready for him to show her, the girl just nodded back lightly, her eyes still locked with his. The intense feeling filled the room as the General moved his palms opposite to each other, calling upon the shadows, and soon they answered as a small black ball formed itself between his hands.

Katarina stood with her eyes wide in admiration, both for the power and the man. She was intrigued by the beauty of the black ball, and the man became aware of the fact, he nodded at her telling her to touch the shadow. Though as she poked it her finger simply went through, she was awestruck, to say the least.

"It's beautiful." She spoke out in nothing but a quiet whisper, but the man could hear her words clear as day. She watched his hands, not noticing the look he was giving her, not many people saw what he could do as beautiful, but he came to realize that Katarina Devin wasn't just people. No the girl in front of him was special, no one could ever compare, no one would ever see him as she did, and he wouldn't want anyone but her.

He pressed his hands together, squeezing the ball back into nothing once again. After he brought his now free hand to rest on her cheek, wasting no time as he pulled her into an intoxicating kiss, he pulled her close to the point where the only thing that separated them was their clothes. While the girl brought her arms up to place them around his neck, her fingers buried in his hair as she pulled slightly on the roots. Keeping their position until they had to separate to breathe, Kirigan took in the sight in front of him.

Never wanting to forget the way the girl's lip would swell, her cheeks would turn a light shade of red and her green eyes turn dark with need while glossing over ever so slightly, making them shine.

"You're driving me crazy." His words made shivers run down her body, his one hand drew circles on her waist, whilst the other hand was now placed firmly on the back of her neck. His eyes too somehow darker than before, as they glistened with mischief and lust. The atmosphere in the room quickly became hot and the air thick enough to slice.

"Well, are you going to do anything about it, General?" The girl definitely knew what she was doing as she whispered out the words, only loud enough for him to hear. Before she knew it her lips were connected to his once again, though this time her feet weren't placed on the ground for long as he picked her up, her legs wrapped around his torso as he led them out of the office into the connected room, kicking the door shut, his lips still on hers, and neither wished to have it any other way.

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