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CHAPTER EIGHTEEN __________________________

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Sunlight hitting your eyes annoyingly, wasn't an ideal way of waking up, but Katarina couldn't get herself to be sour about it, while looking at what she woken up to. Sleeping Aleksander Morozova was a sight for sore eyes, he looked peaceful with his eyes closed, his mouth opened the tiniest bit, not to mention the arms that wrapped around her, hugging her close as their warm skin met.

The sight in front of her was something she never wanted to let go of, Katarina was sure she herself looked like a troll, as she looked at the wonder of a man that looked like he had been blessed by the Saints, even after a rough night they had.

She slowly brought her hand up to run her fingers through his soft hair, admiring the way it flowed carelessly when it wasn't slicked back like usual. Though the girl was utmost careful to make sure that she didn't wake him from what seemed like much-needed sleep, it turned out to not work. Slightly disappointed she watched as his eyes fluttered, meting hers as a smile spread on his lips.

She returned the gesture still playing with his hair as he urged her to keep going, "you can go back to sleep love." She knew he would probably protest, the man took his duty very seriously, which the girl admired plenty, even she kept telling him 'no matter how old you are, sleep is needed'.

Removing her hand from his hair he brought her closer, cuddling her into his chest as he kissed her head. "Wish I could Reina, but the king has arranged the Winter Fete for our Sun Summoner, and with that brings a lot of work." He grumbled, he did not seem happy about the Fete, Katarina could see his reasoning clear as day, she too thought it to be a waste of time.

She giggled slightly at his distaste as she got up from the bed, going into his closet to get a dress Genya had made sure was placed there, mentally thanking her as she looked at the ripped dress across the room. As she was focused on getting dressed she hadn't noticed how Aleksander had left for the office and returned, but as she turned around, now fully dressed, she saw him standing behind her black box in his hands.

"You really need to stop getting me gifts Alek." She protested, even if the girl was beyond grateful, she felt bad he kept on giving her things when she was perfectly fine settling with just him. He lightly laughed off her statement, promising her that this would be the last one, but he knew that probably wasn't true, he loved spoiling her.

He was never a giver, but he wanted to give Katarina Devin the world if that meant a smile would always grace her beautiful face. A small shocked expression painted her face when he opened the box, inside a stunning ring that matched her necklace and her kefta. He picked up her hand kissing it before sliding on the ring, "I promise you that I'll never leave, I'll make sure you'll be by my side always, and I'll never leave you behind. I'll make sure you'll live as long as I so you'll never be alone once again."

The girl felt tears welling up in her eyes, as she pulled him into a heated kiss, no one ever cared for her as he did, and she would make sure that he too would never be alone. "I'll be by your side until death, I promise you that." Both nodded, sealing their fate. While the girl brought the ring closer, she saw something inside move, tough she quickly figured out what.

"Is that?" He looked at her with a smirk, the girl was surprised as she studied the ring closer. "Hollow Ruby with blood inside? Yes indeed, I know you are perfectly able to protect yourself, but a little assistance never hurts anyone." They both just laughed, he was right in reality he had given Katarina the best weapon of defense, he gave her the ability to do the cut as a lay resort, and for that, she was beyond grateful.

They had moved from the room to the office, Katarina needed to go to her room seeing as Genya was going to help her get ready, and Aleksander had General duties to take care of. Though before she could leave he had stopped her, taking a small vial and pouring it into a goblet handing it to her. "Here, even if it  would bring me great joy to watch small versions of you and I running around, I don't think now would be a perfect time."

The girl couldn't agree more, though she would love a family, now wasn't an ideal time to do so. She took the nasty liquid down in one swing, cringing at the vile taste, giving him back the goblet. She kissed his cheek before leaving, stopping before she walked through the door, "I'll see you later, there's going to be a lot of people coming, I'll make sure that you're next to me or Genya the whole time, I don't want to risk anything."

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