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CHAPTER THREE__________________________

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The girl was woken from her slumber by harsh knocks on the door, wanting it to stop just as quickly as they appeaed. She yelled out for the person outside to enter in her groggy morning voice, almost placing her head on the soft pillow slipping back to sleep. However, she was unable to as a beautiful red-haired woman wearing light clothes entered followed by two girls wearing all white.

As the two girls left going into the bathroom, the woman with red hair who Katarina had guessed to be the one General Kirigan had spoken of the night before named Genya. She gave the girl a hand helping her out of bed and into the bathroom, the two girls that had earlier left for the bathroom had started a bath, running to her side as she stepped foot inside helping her undress until she snapped at them.

"I am not an imbecile, I am also quite capable of undressing and bathing myself, thank you very much." The annoyance and anger evident as she spoke, the girls took a step back not daring to go against her wishes as they had heard whispers from what people had witnessed the night prior.

They looked towards Genya as she dismissed them telling them that they weren't needed anymore, as the no longer tired girl made her way to the hot water, cleaning herself. When she finished the red-head handed her a rope helping her out of the water as she muttered out a small thank you.

"I was asked to have you ready in an hour. The general wishes to take you on a stroll in the garden, before you are to join training."

She was led back into the room not allowed to ask any questions about the later statement so she just wondered to herself not uttering a word, as she was asked to take place in front of the mirror, small amounts of food placed in front of her, Genya explained how the general excused her from breakfast allowing her to sleep a little longer.

Doing as she was told, looking like the slightly older woman was sifting through a box placed neatly next to her, talking to herself about how she was to fix or alter the girl in the chair. "There's not a lot of you that I need to worry about, freshening your hair and adding some colour to your face is about all." The girl having no idea what the woman behind her was going on about feeling slightly confused, but she soon remembered how she had read about the Tailors, not knowing whether she was supposed to take it as a type of compliment, decided to just keep her mouth shut and let her do what she needed.

Katarina already possessed stunning black hair that reached down her lower back, her face consisting of deep green eyes and plump pink lips. She was beautiful, not that Genya was to ever tell her straight to her face.

Once finished it was time to get her dressed, Genya brought down the kefta that had been hung outside the closet door. The girl looked shocked at the sight, the kefta was almost all black with red details on the sleeves. She knew for a fact that the only person to wear black was the general, she turned towards Genya looking at her with wide eyes giving her a look to make sure that there hadn't been a mistake.

"Normally the new Grisha are only allowed to wear one after they have been put in front of the king to show their power, after that, they earn their kefta and can start their training. General Kirigan asked him to make an exception for you and the king obliged, giving the circumstances, and giving the show you put on in the courtyard last night I don't think anyone will make you do anything you don't want to"

While explaining how he had also asked for her kefta to be made specially in the colours it is, and nobody dares to ask why. When finished Genya led her out of the room walking her down the stairs of the palace as the girl looked around awestruck, not noticing the man himself standing at the bottom waiting for her arrival. When the older caught sight of the man she gave the girl a small push telling her that she would see her later, catching the general's eye as he mouthed out a 'thank you' before she left.

When Katarina had reached his side he offered her his arm, she linked her arm with his instantly feeling his body heat, accepting it partly because she had no idea where to go, and how incredibly awkward it would be for her to decline, not that she didn't enjoy having the full attention of the man, but nonetheless it was foreign to her, men weren't exactly the respectful type where she came from. As they made their way out into the heavenly royal Garden that connected to the palace.

"I hope the room was to your liking, of course, if not I'll arrange to have you moved to another." He spoke out oozing with authority yet somehow in a soft tone, the girl a bit taken back at his statement quickly assured him that the room was great and that a move wasn't needed.

Deciding to lay off the topic he began asking her about her life back on the other side, and she gladly told him all about how she had lost a mum years before as well as how her mother had kept her in the safety of their apartment, moving on to how her father had died sometime after her birth. Going to ask her about what she wanted in life.

"I only ever wished for two things, to see the world, although I figured that'll be put on pause for the time being, and a cat."

The man beside her laughing at the words that left her mouth, his laugh sounding like the sweetest symphony in her ears. She looked at him as the corners of his eyes crinkled slightly when he laughed, looking handsome as ever.

Though it soon came to an end as they stopped walking, two girls standing not far from them as he unlinked their arms placing a hand at the small of her back lightly guiding her towards them. "Sofia and Zena will be bringing you to the training field now Miss Devin." She looked at the girls in front of her a bit startled at the thought of training with some of the powerful Geisha in all of Ravka.

Before she was dragged along, he leaned down his lips almost touching her ear as he whispered, "good luck." Almost shivering at the lack of personal space between them. He watched with a smirk as the girls each linked an arm with hers leading her away because he knew she didn't need his luck.

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