Hard Being a kid~ For Rodger

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"Buster! Joe! Kilauea! Kevin! Time to eat!" I yelled to my family as I put the plate of food on the table.

My name is Rodger Durant and I'm 29 years old. I'm the wife of Kevin Durant. I have an 12 year old boy named Gerald but we call him buster, a 6 year old son named Joseph and a 3 year old girl named Kilauea.

I see joe,Kilauea, and Kevin run down the steps....but no Buster.

"Where's buster?" I asked and they all shrugged their shoulders.

"Buster! It time to eat!" I yelled again.

"I'm not hungry!" He says then slams his room door.

Something been going on with Buster lately. As a mother I'm concerned about my Baby boy.


After dinner joe and Kilauea went upstairs to check on buster.

"Kevin I'm concerned about buster." I said to him as I started washing the dishes.

"It's probably just something at schools, he'll get over it." He said.

"I hope so." I said and Kevin kissed me.

He always know how to cheer up a woman.


Why would they use me? I kept asking to myself. Fake friends, that's that shit I don't like. Just because I'm Kd's son they get to treat me special and shit? No!

"Knock Knock" someone said outside my door

"Who is it?" I said.

"It's joe and Kilauea" joe said.

I really didn't want how to come in because he would blurt out all my information.

"Kilauea come in" I said.

"What about me?" Joe said.

"No" I said while closing my door.

I closed my door and sat on my bed as Kilauea sat on my spiny chair.

"What you need?" I said to her.

(A/N: Kilauea is 3 years old she's gonna speak like a 3 year old. So it's gonna be many un spelled words.)

"I wanna know why, wouve been acting so swange lately." She says in her baby voice.

"It's none of your business" I says.

"Pwease? I won't twell on you." She saids

"Fine" I said



As I was watching tv with Rodger, and joe I hear Kilauea's little feet running down the steps.

" I know why buster been acting so swange." She said

"Oh yea why?" I said.

"Well, he's been getting teased at school. Since he's pwetty bad at basketbrawl, well sucks at basketbrawl-"

"But he made the team" Rodger says.

"He wonly made the team because daddy is Kd mommy" she says.

"He also said that his crush Alyssa, made the boys basketbrawl team as point. He said that His friends wonly used him to get to daddy. also he was crying." She said.

"Awe my poor baby." Rodger says.

Kilauea sits down to watch tv and buster comes down stairs.

"Hey buster" I said

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