The Proposal[PART 2 Wedding]~ For alex

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"What's wrong" Nik said as I got in my bed. Tonight was the night before our wedding.

"Are we making the right choice?" I said pulling the covers up on me.

"What do you mean?" Nik says

"Us...getting married. Do you think this is right?" I said.

"We love each other...right?" He says

"Well yea" I say

"Then we made a wonderful choice." He says.

He kisses me then closes his eyes.

Tomorrow...I will officially be Mrs.Stauskas.



"What's the plan?" He says to me.

"We ruin the wedding.... And I get her back." I say.

Alex was my all until she broke up with me. But don't worry me and him is gonna get her back.


{Next Day}


"You look beautiful." I turned around to see my mom and dad.

I took a look in the mirror of the hotel mirror.

"Thanks" I say

I hug them just as the photographer took a picture. All of the bridesmaids and me went into the limo to drive to the church.


"Do you, Nik take Alex McGary to be your lawful wedded wife,do you promise to love her comfort her, honor her in sickness and in Heath, remaining faithful to her as long as you both shall live?" The priest said.

"I do." Nik said

Do you Alex, take Nik Staukas to be your lawful wedded husband,do you promise to love him comfort him honor him in sickness and in Heath, remaining faithful to him as long as you both shall live?" The priest said again.

"I do" I say.

"Is there anyone who rejects on this marriage?" The priest yelled.

"I DO!" Someone yelled going through the double doors of the church. A familiar voice.

"Doug?" I say

"No just him...." Some one else says.

"Zach?" I say again.

My 2 ex boyfriends...Doug McDermott and Zach Lavine.

"I want you Alex. I'm sorry about what happened in the past. I love you." Doug says.

"I love you more" Zach says.

"I think it's time for yall to go" Mitch said.

Next thing I knew Doug ran up to me and kissed me.

"Doug!" I pushed him and ran out the church.

Our day is ruined because of them.

I went outside and sat on dirty ground.

"Alex? Alex where are you?" I hear Mitch say.

He comes out side.

"Alex.." He say.

"Go away. I knew this wasn't a good choice." I say to him.

"Alex. This was a good choice. You picked the best man to marry. He's not like them other dudes." He said sitting down beside me.


"Don't worry about them. Your king is waiting for you to become his queen." He says to make me crack a smile.

"Shall we?" He says holding his arm out.

Me and Mitch walk down the aisle. Every started clapping.


"Mr. And Mrs. Staukas...You may kiss the bride." The priest says.

Nik looks me into my eyes.

"I love you" he says softly then kisses me.


We're at our wedding reception. Even tho we had problems in the beginning we are having fun.

"WE'RE BACK!!!" Doug and Zach says running through the doors.

Oh my god!

"Yall need to leave now!" My dad says.

"We will call the police" my mom said.

They started dancing around to music. Nik and Mitch made sure they wasn't getting close to me.

"THIS IS FOR YOU ALEX!!" Doug said taking off his shirt and pouring champagne on his body.

"I BET NIK CAN'T DO THIS!" Zach said trying to do a split but then rips his pants.

Good thing I was recording it.

"They are so stupid" Nik said.

"I know." I say

"HEY ZACH I CAN'T DO THAT BUT YOU CANT DO THIS!" Nik said taking me and kissing me for a long time.

Zach got mad and took his ripped pants looking ass and left.

Doug took the champagne and left. I looked out the windo to see them arguing.

"I told you not to do that!!" Zach yelled at Doug.

"Hey I wanted to be a show off." He says.

They said a couple more words that I couldn't hear that's when Zach got into the car and left Doug running behind him. I started laughing.

I went up to Nik.

"I'm so glad to be with you" I say as we kissed.


Really Zach? You left Doug?😒 shame on you😂 anyways.....

2 part to the Proposal.

Nik and Alex are cute together 💏.


How was it tho?🙌

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