Can't Stop Loving You~ For KenAsia

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2 years ago.....

"Blake do you really have to leave?" I asked him as he was at the airport so he could go to LA.

"KenAsia you know how much this means to me." He said. "We'll keep in touch. I promise." He said hugging me.


My ex boyfriend Blake Griffin, he wasn't just my ex he was my best friend. He was leaving to go to La.

I can't stop loving him. I thought that when we broke up, we will never be friends. But we would be. Now I think we should be MORE than friends.

We broke up because he was going to La. I never in my life thought I would be moving to la.But hey look...I'm here!

I don't believe in long Distance relationship. So when he from Oklahoma State, we broke up.

I can't stop loving Him.....


"Ain't no game, I'm taking all you have. And your gonna pay for it. I don't know if I can stop myself, and your gonna pay for it. Oh, you'll never learn, I touch fire, little burn, this ain't no game, I'm taking all you have and your gonna pay for it."

I sang "Pay for it" by Jay Rock ft. Kendrick Lamar.

I was going for my Mile run. I always need my music while I run.

I sat at the nearest bench to take a break. That's when a man about 5 feet taller than me sat down.

"Nice weather today, don't you think so." He says to me.

"Yep, that's why I love la." I said taking a sip of my water.

"Me you run every day?" He says back.

"Yep every-"

I looked at him.

"Blake?" I said as my voice cracks.

"KenAsia?" He says back looking at me.

"Holy shit" I say.

Blake, Blake Austin Griffin is standing in front of my face. My ex...... The one I still love.

"How have you been" he said giving me a hug.

"Good, you?" I say back to him.

"Great. Gets better every day." He says.

"I bet it does." I say.

We started talking and we even finished jogging together.

"Well my stop is here" Blake says.

"Yea, I got about an half of mile left." I say.

"How about we go to dinner tonight to catch up on times." He said

I nodded.

"I agree" I said.

"Well Mrs. KenAsia..."

"Well Mr. Blake..."

"See you tonight." He says

"Ok" I said.

We both waived and we left.

I have to tell him how I feel....


8:00 Pm

I was already at the restaurant at 8:00.

Maybe traffic is bad.

Next thing I knew is to see him walking in the restaurant.

"KenAsia you look...Gorgeous." He says sitting down.

"Thanks. You look handsome." I said and he started to blush.

It was hard to make him blush. You had to say the right things to make Blake blush.

"I did it! I finally did it" I said to him and he smiled.

"I bet you, remember that bed? Back at Oklahoma state." I said.

"Oh yea! I lost." He said.

"You sure did." I said.


"Really? You really did that?" I said to him.

"Yep" he said then laughed.

"Mr. Griffin here's your check." The waiter said.

KenAsia this is my chance. Just tell him.

I got this...

"Blake can I tell you something?" I said.

"Yea what is it?" He asked looking up from the check.

"Well ever since, you left Oklahoma state. I still had feelings for you. I thought I will never see you again. I love you and I know this is random but.... Since that day you left I never stopped loving you. You was the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. I love you. And I will never stop loving you. I can't stop loving you." I said to him and he looked shocked.

"We I was thinking the same thing. Don't tell anyone but I would actually cry myself to sleep every night because you wasn't there." He said.

"Awe... You missed me that much." I said.

"Yes.... And I'm still missing you. Will you be my girlfriend again?" He said.

"Yes, I will" I said as I kissed him.

He stood up and yelled.

"Ladies and gentlemen I finally got the love of my life!" He yelled and every one started yelling.

"I love you KenAsia" he said.

"I love you too." I said.

The love of my life


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