Its always stormy in Andrew-land

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//Present Day//

I waited for Andrew down by the bottom of the stairs as he stood off to the side of the living room talking to Jude, in hushed tones.

A part of me wanted to push them aside and ask what they were whispering about but the other part of me had my mind on Sean. I knew that I would have to e-mail him to see what his reasoning behind showing up at Jude's was and if he had found anything decent out. On my end, I was at a roadblock because I didn't have access to the things that Sean did; ie., Dana's office.

"You ready?"

I practically jumped as Andrew's green eyes suddenly came into view and he gave me an odd look.

"You okay?" He looked to Jude, as if he would know the answer, and I simply shook my head making a beeline for the front door. I tried to ignore the confused looks I was getting as I threw the door open and trudged into the bright afternoon sun.

"I'll text you, Harp!" Jude called after me as Andrew jogged to catch up to me.

I felt his gentle arm on the crook of my elbow, "You okay?"

"Great. Good. Fine. Okay"

"I don't know whether you're trying to shamelessly plug one of the bands you listen to, in, or if that's how you really feel" Andrew grinned walking to the drivers side and opening the car.

I rolled my eyes at his weak joke, "I swear"

"Boys 2 men?"

"Andrew!" I snapped getting into the car and letting out a light bubble of a laugh, "You're honestly so annoying"

I vaguely heard him mumble "I try" but it was drowned out as the speakers started blaring and I reveled in the feel of the bass in my chest.

We hadn't been driving for ten minutes when Andrew let out a curse.

"Now it's my turn to ask what's wrong" I mumbled turning the stereo down as he took a left at a light.

"My dad invited us all over today, I completely forgot"

I knew there had been something we had forgotten but in my Jude filled day, I completely overlooked it, "You wanna see if we can still rally the troops?"

Andrew shook his head slowly and sighed, "Chandler's editing today, Ethan's trying to make up for some joke he made at Kyle with lunch, and Seth and Trish obviously have other things to do...I refuse to take Tyler anywhere without people around to restrain her and without everyone else, it would feel awkward with just Sophia; I don't really know her"

"Well..." I let my words travel into the air and Andrew quickly looked at me expectant, "I mean, this is only if you want to but...we could still go...If you want to"

Andrew's green eyes flashed and he turned back to the road, saying nothing. I took this as a 'no' but refused to delve deeper into the subject. My mind was on other things and, to be honest, I didn't really have any desire to be in quarters with his father again. There was something about him that threw me off.

"So Jude was asking me if I knew what was up"

Andrew's deep voice floated in the silence and I turned to him with a confused sigh, "What are you talking about?"

He let out a breath through his lips and shook his head, before turning the volume on the stereo back on. I made a face at his sudden change of attitude and turned the volume back down.

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