Back bends and Beyonce poses

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"So I take it you've heard?" Seth muttered upon opening the front door for us.

After Andrew's revelation, there was an obvious shift in everyones mood, namely Andrew's. Of course, Ethan and Chandler knew exactly what to say. Nothing. But I did the stupid thing and told Andrew not to worry, which earned a glare that I hadn't been expecting. I had no clue what kind of effect Andrews father would have on him and I was treading lightly.

"Yeah" Andrew muttered pushing past him, giving Trish a short hug and trudging to the couch.

I stared at him with poorly masked sadness and felt a soft hand on my wrist.

"Don't" Ethan whispered staring at me with his big brown eyes, "He hates that"

I gave him a small nod before hugging Seth and Trish, and making sure to comment on the aroma wafting around.

"Yeah, I'm thinking of a tofu stir fry?" Trish nodded brightly.

"More like tofu dirt fry!" Chandler guffawed clapping Ethan's back. Ethan turned to him with a blank look and shook his head.

"No you don't get it. Tofu. Dirt. Fry"

Ethan made a face and Chandler sighed annoyed.

"Here, let me explain it"

"Jokes aren't meant to be explained" Ethan hid a smirk as he began walking over to the couch Andrew was on.

"Well this one is. Where are you going? Come back here" Chandler followed Ethan and I held back a laugh at how desperate he was being.

"I love your top" Trish broke me out of my thoughts and I looked at her happily.

"Well that's my cue to go" Seth physically shivered before making his exit to the couch.

"How've you been?" Trish asked as we walked to the kitchen, only looking at the guys to make sure Chandler wasn't ripping someone's hair out for not appreciating his joke. They all looked deep in conversation and I noted the way Andrew was gritting his teeth, something I hadn't seen him do in a while.

"I take it you haven't seen him like this before?" Trish asked as we entered the kitchen and the sound of sizzles filled the air.

"No" I sighed hoisting myself up onto the counter and grabbing a carrott stick from what Trish called 'The bowl of happy" which was basically an array of veggies she assembled into a smiley face...It was enough to make me shudder but I was nervous and being nervous made me eat.

"Two years ago, when they were thinking of letting his dad out on parole, I thought he would have a total melt down...and everyone knows an Andrew Gold melt down is a melt down of epic proportions"

"What did he do?" Trish stopped stirring whatever she was stirring and turned to look at me.

"That's the problem" she ran a hand through her dark hair and bit the bottom of her lip, "He did nothing"

I stared at her confused and she shrugged, "Andrew isn't an emotional kind of guy. Where Seth may cry annually, Andrew cry's at the turning of a new decade...and it's odd"

"So? Some people just aren't emotional" I said quickly coming to his defence. Fact is, I knew Andrew to be different. Hell, I had witnessed him tear up at the Titanic...he had made me promise to never mention it again but, point is, Andrew wasn't made of stone.

"This is different, Harper and you know it. When Dennis died...Seth was a completely different person. He hardly smiled, he stayed in his room all day, and the only time he came out was to sigh in defeat. When Andrew's dad was almost let out, he did the complete opposite of what someone in his position would do"

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