I think I deserve it

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"Don't" I grunted looking up, in the dim light cast by the moon, and noticing Andrew's golden body against the wall, "Don't ask me if I'm okay"

Andrew said nothing and cleared his throat, "He still hasn't called?"

I shook my head slowly, checking my phone just in case and letting out a curse.

Andrew's quiet cough broke me out of my reverie and I sighed, "You should go get some sleep"

"You first" He murmured taking a step towards me, "You look exhausted"

I fingered the gentle material of the Tshirt around my neck and shrugged, "I'm fine..."

"Would you stop shitting on me?" Andrew whispered as I finally registered that he was beside me, "Stop it"

My jaw dropped with incredulity and I slowly pushed away from his warm body, "I beg your pardon?"

"Stop trying to make this seem like something it isn't. You're hurt, and you're probably scared, and that's okay; you're allowed to feel that way and you're also allowed to not want to talk about that but don't try to make me feel like I'm making this some huge deal and treating you like a porcelain doll. Stop treating me like I'm wrong for caring" His gentle hands rested on the small of my back and my jaw trembled slightly.

"Andrew" I whispered as he pulled me into a hug. Before I could stop myself, I was shaking as quiet tears streamed down my face.

Andrew only stroked my hair and rubbed my back, allowing the water to splash his bare chest, "What Jude said was out of line"

"And true" I hiccuped against his chest, "that's why I didn't want you to touch me when we were figuring out the Cameron thing~"

"You didn't want me to see you sad...You didn't want me to think you worthy of comfort?" Andrew's incredulous tone told me how weird it sounded out loud, "Why would you think that?"

I shook my head and breathed against his skin, "Everything around me goes to shit, Andrew. Directly after my life went up in flames, not even half a year later, yours, Trish and Seth's start to do the same. Now Jude's too; How long until Chandler and Ethan's?"

"Harper" Andrew murmured pulling me back to stare at me, "you're not some walking bad luck curse...None of us can help what's happening in any of our lives. This isn't the worst thing to ever happen to me, or anyone else...trust me"

I tried to look everywhere but Andrew and his gentle hand came to cup my face, "You aren't worthless, Harper. You mean everything to me"

His soft finger brushed the curly auburn hair out of my eyes and, in an instant, his eyes changed, "Nothing comes above you, Harper"

My breathing quickened at his throaty growl and I found myself running my hands across his strong chest.

I slowly kissed the skin beneath his ear and felt his body shudder ever so slightly. I left a trail of kisses all the way to his toned shoulders and stopped to look up at him.

Keeping my gaze, he gently fingered the soft shirt I wore and furrowed his eyebrows, "I know you hate them, but I love the freckles scattered across your stomach"

With that, he gently lifted my shirt over my head and smoothed the skin at my hips. My breathing caught as he slowly slid my body towards him, only to push my upper body to lay flush against the cool leather of the couch. He placed a hot kiss at my belly button, never breaking eye contact.

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