Broken glass and broken hearts

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I had never seen anyone cry this much.

I mean, I had stubbed my toe quite enough over the course of my life to understand what true pain was, but this was completely different. Here, I wasn't dealing with a chipped toenail that was now an unattractive shade of purple; I was dealing with a girl who had just had her heart ripped out of her chest by someone she loved more than anything.

"Get off of me" Trish sobbed pushing Chandler away as he came to hug her.

It had been a sad sort of cycle where one of us would try to console her and she'd just lash out at us. It made it incredibly hard to want to keep trying because you already knew the outcome before you even attempted to put your arms around her.

"Trish, let us help you" Chandler murmured looking physically hurt by the way she recoiled from him. His hazel eyes turned to me in a confused fashion before they fluttered back to her.

"How about you all leave me alone?" she spat wiping her runny mascara from her cheeks, "I'm not worth it"

Like a zombie, she made her way to her room, leaving us all in her wake. We all stared at each other in silent confusion before Andrew spoke,

"We've gotta get Seth back here" Andrew murmured sitting down and rubbing his temples.

Kyle shrugged, "To be honest, I thought that that would be you"

Andrew's head whipped up and he gave her a quizzical look, "You thought I'de blow up?"

We all slowly nodded at this before Chandler spoke up, "To be honest, mate, so did I. You're not very good with surprises. Remember when Ethan and I threw you that surprise party for your fifteenth birthday? You refused to even participate, sitting in a corner and glaring at us all night...Even when Rachel Crass tried to hook up with you"

"Rachel Crass was a harlot, so let's be clear" Andrew grunted, "And that's all I have to say about this topic"

I furrowed my eyebrows as Andrew's mouth set into an angry scowl. Noticing this, Chandler got up with a loud sigh and began rummaging through Seth's cabinets.

"She might not be able to drink, but I certainly can"

'Technically, you can't" I called out to which he laughed at.

"If I were back in Mayfair, I could...therefore I can over here as well" I decided not to comment on the sheer stupidity of this statement and sat back like everyone else, wondering how this night had taken such a horrible turn.

I was about to vocalize this when Chandler squealed and let out a curse. In a flash, we were all stood at the kitchen entrance staring at the glass cup Chandler had shattered.

"I told you Englishmen were clumsy" he murmured with a sheepish look. I noticed the way the idiot attempted to tip toe around the glass and rolled my eyes.

"Get out" I sighed, shooing him and beginning to pick up the shards and dumping them into a bag. Once I was sure I had collected everything, I swept the area just in case and tied the bag as tight as I could.

"I'll take it out to the chute" I grunted loudly as everyone dug into Chandler and his fumbled attempt at being 'mature'.

"Why didn't you just drink it straight from the bottle, like normal people?" Tyler guffawed and I could practically hear Andrew roll his eyes.

"Normal people don't do that, you alcoholic"

With a shake of my head, I opened the front door and began fast walking to the chute. No matter how many times Andrew reassured me, I was still kind of afraid that somebody would watch me from their peephole, follow me, and, in an unfortunate series of events, I'd end up on Dateline; "Down the chute: How a young woman met her greatest terror in a garbage chute".

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