Chapter twenty

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~parseltongue snake speaker~
§parseltongue human speaker§
/Parseltongue writing/

Maeve made it to the library and made her to the back, passing the glaring librarian which she gave a sickeningly sweet smile to. Kill them with kindness or so she's heard, a load of crap that advice is. She smiled as she heard her twins talking about their next upcoming prank, they were such devils.

"Hello," she greeted, sitting down with a soft sigh. "I've talked to the Hufflepuff."

Daphne leaned forward in interest, she'd been wondering about the pretty boy and if he'd be joining. Attractive people stick together, after all. "Oh, and what did he say? Has he agreed?"

Draco scoffed, not finding the appeal of having the older boy with them. It was bad enough he had to share Maeve with four other boys and a scary blonde, now their thinking of adding another to the mix. He had no idea how he'd even handle it. "Not sure why you would even want him." He grumbled under his breath, shrinking at the sharp glare Daphne shot him. "Shutting up.."

"So..?" Daphne probed with a curious head tilt, blue eyes sparking.

Maeve smiled with her teeth. "Expect a guess after dinner. I have piqued his interest enough to know he'll show up for more information. He's got a good head on him and I suspect he'll join. He was pretty sure he would, as well."

Theo and Draco shared a look, lips jutted out and Blaise seemed rather amused by the whole ordeal. Smiling at the expressions the other two sported, they acted as though she'd forget about them in the presence of another person. Not likely, of course, they were just behaving over dramatically.

"Oh stop being babies, neither of you are getting replaced!" Daphne snapped, before pausing and allowing a smirk to form on her face. "Well, perhaps Draco is..I mean I'm blonde with blue eyes and everyone knows females are better.." She teased.

Draco looked absolutely gobsmacked at such an implication, blinking slowly much like a cartoon character. Daphne snickered in amusement. "I'm kidding! Obviously Maeve adores you, for whatever reason."

"I'll have you know that I'm an absolute delight. And I'm quite positive Maeve enjoys my presence and would be absolutely devastated should I ever leave." he huffed, looking at the shorter dark haired girl as though telling her to agree and take his side.

Maeve smiled, patting his hand gently. "Of course, my darling Dragon. Life would be a bore without you."

Draco flushed a deep red at the sudden nickname, he cleared his throat and shifted his eyes away from the dark beauty. "Yes, it would be a bore." He internally winced at the crack in his voice and hoped no one would mention it.

Theo chuckled and grinned at Maeve. "Back onto the topic, we should prepare for any questions Diggory might have. I'm sure there's no doubt he'd be joining us but he's bound to want to know in clear words why we are doing what we are."

"Right, we can't have anyone in the dark, being able to trust one another is a major priority. But it would be wise to allow him to know only the less important things, though. There is a chance he might not accept after our conversation so we should prepare for any possible outcome." Blaise said tilting his head in agreement with Theo.

George chimed in with a nod. " Better safe than sorry, if he agrees to fully join then we can discuss letting him know more as for now keeping it a minimum would be best."

"You're all right, having him know just enough would work best in our favor in the long run. Should he change his mind about joining, it'll be easier to alter his memories with less he knows."

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