Chapter twenty-four

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~parseltongue snake speaker~
§parseltongue human speaker§
/parseltongue writing/

Maeve led her snakes back to the dungeons where potions class resided, Snape would have a nasty surprise if he openly showed his dislike towards the young girl. Entering the class, it was no surprise that the greasy haired man was not present, Snape seemed the type to have a dramatic entrance.

A few Gryffindors were currently in the room, two of them being Hermione and Neville, her newest darling. The younger redhead was nowhere to be seen, Maeve scowled at that, she had a few choice words to say to the insufferable boy. She smiled sugary sweet at the dark bushy haired girl and waved at her charge, the Gryffindor girl huffed and looked away. Her reactions never ceased to amuse Maeve, such a personality and as long as she never got out of line, she wouldn't be much of a problem.

Maeve sat in an empty seat near the door, Draco beside her, Theo and Blaise in the desk behind them and Daphne sat beside Neville who moved from his previous seat next to Lavender Brown, a perky gryffindor that Maeve remembered from the sorting. She didn't seem bothered by the nervous boy leaving her, instead another girl sat beside her, a pretty indian that had a rich brown skin tone. Despite being in 'rival' houses, Maeve couldn't deny her obvious beauty.

Her attention snapped towards the doorway where Weasley appeared, panting and flushed a dark red. He scampered to the back after making eye contact with the dark haired girl, a smirk curled at her lips and green eyes lighting up at receiving such a wonderful response. The lanky boy was much like a skittish animal once he found out exactly who the predator was. Though it appeared that he still couldn't keep his mouth shut so she'd have to set him straight once and for all. She couldn't have a disobedient pet.

Daphne leaned forward and tapped the shorter girl on the shoulder before whispering, "Do you think since Draco is the godson of professor Snape we should let his father know of the treatment if it gets out of hand?"

"Perhaps, we'll discuss it more after class." Maeve replied just as the doors swung open and the professor stalked in with his robes bellowing behind him.

He had a sneer on his face and a cold look in his dark eyes as he looked around the classroom. Momentarily stopping at Maeve Potter who merely smiled mockingly, toxic green orbs glinting dangerously as she stared at him. He cleared his throat and instead turned his attention to the rest of the classroom, missing the cruel smirk that curled at the young girl's lips. "You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through the human veins, bewitching the minds, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even stopper death - if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach." He spoke softly, capturing the attention of everyone with ease.

Maeve was almost impressed, though less so as she caught sight of Granger who practically vibrated in her seat. The bushy-haired girl seemed to want to prove she wasn't a dunderhead, of course just like everywhere else, she'd only come second to Maeve.

"Today we'll be going over the cure for boils, you all will read silently. Make any noise and you'll have detention. Friday we'll be working on the potion, hopefully you're not all as idiotic as you look." The dark haired man sneered before turning around.

Maeve shared a look with Draco before opening their book, the page was written on the board in an elegant scrawl. She withheld an eyeroll, had anyone been blind then they'd never know what they had to do. Honestly, for a Potions Master he was an awful teacher.

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