Chapter two

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~parseltongue snake speaker~
§parseltongue human speaker§
/Parseltongue writing/
The day it all changed:

MAEVE ALARICA POTTER WAS RAISED to believe she was nothing more than an unwanted burden. The night she was left on the doorsteps of her relative, she was immediately placed in the cupboard underneath the stairs which would be her room.

Petunia Dursley ñee Evans had always hated her sister's freakishness and the fact that she and her husband had gone and gotten themselves blown up and dumped their daughter with them angered her greatly. Lily Evans had always been the perfect child, the favorite daughter in their parents eyes. Petunia had been jealous at the time, for her younger sister had everything. The beauty, the brains, and then the magic.

Then her daughter, Maeve Potter, a strange name with an even stranger middle name, was dumped with them. She was a carbon copy of her father with Lily's eyes. The little brat was a beautiful baby(even when she had a lightning shaped scar on the right side of her forehead above her eye), perfectly pale skin with a natural rosy glow, full puckered lips, a small nose and thick curly ringlets that reached just below her chin. And her eyes were a stunning green framed by thick eyelashes that fluttered gently each time she blinks.

Add to the fact that by the time she was three strange things began happening. Of course Petunia knew the brat had no clue of what she'd done, but that didn't mean she and Vernon wouldn't put a stop to it while they could. Petunia made sure the girl learned to cook and clean properly because surely the freak would only be useful as a maid than anything else.


Maeve knew she was different from her relatives. She could do things they couldn't. Obviously she knew she was special, she should be the one in charge! She had the powers and everyone else were, they were mundane.

Filthy, disgusting parasites that were far beneath her.

She understood she could make things happen when she was angry or upset. Now all she had to do was learn to control it, to make it happen on purpose. And then, then she will show those normal, pathetic mundanes just where their place was. She would make them see how far above them she was.


Maeve(age 6)

A young girl, seemingly looking no older than 4 years old, sat on her knees in the blistering heat pulling out weeds from the garden in her aunt Petunia's backyard. A sheer, thin layer of sweat coated her forehead, trickling down and stinging her eyes. Thorns stabbing her palms and leaving small scratches behind.

The clothes did nothing to help her cool down underneath the burning sun, as they once belonged to her overweight cousin and thus were hanging loosely over her thin, small frame. Luckily her long, curly hair that usually fell below her shoulder blades, was pulled into a tight messy ponytail with a makeshift hair tie. Her eyes narrowed as she pulled the last of the weeds.

She finally settled down onto her bum and used the collar of her shirt to wipe away her sweaty face. Maeve looked over her shoulder and towards the house, she really wanted water. Her mouth was dry and she felt slightly faint. A sigh left her mouth as she shakily got to her feet.

It was no point in even trying to ask her aunt for a drink, the lowlife would likely refuse and then send her to her room, or well cupboard. She glanced around the garden, it looked well enough. But just in case, she subtly lifted her palm up and with a bit of her energy she gave life to the flowers.

Instantly, the garden sprung to life. Each and every flower blossoming beautifully. She was still learning to control her magic and soon she'll be able to do more things, bigger and stronger things. With a small, breathtaking smile, she made her way inside.

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