Chapter twenty-two

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~snake parseltongue~
§human parseltongue§
/parseltongue writing/

Maeve awoke to quiet whispers, she kept her eyes shut and listened to what was being said.

"The Winchester's have made a mess once again, never learned how to live on their own, have they?" It was an unfamiliar voice speaking and Maeve felt her guard rise up, an unknown was in her room though the aura did feel familiar. "I'll have to try and sneak away, just to check on them. Idiotic brothers."

She moved just a bit to alert the man that she was waking, there was nowhere for him to run or hide so she wasn't all that worried. Though looking back at it, she ought to have been just a wee bit worried because as soon as she opened her eyes and sat up, the room was empty with only Loki curled up on his heating rock. Emerald eyes scanned the room, her roommates weren't present, most likely having gone to the Great Hall earlier.

Loki quietly hissed and unraveled himself, triangular eyes flitting towards her direction. Forked tongue flickering out of his mouth and his tail moved in a way that showed he was waving at her.

~Good morning, missstresss.~

Maeve didn't respond, too busy looking around and trying to figure out where the man could have gone. There was nowhere for him to even hide and they were in the dungeons so how on earth did he disappear so quickly?


§Sssorry, Loki, I'm ssstill a bit tired. How did you ressst?§

~I resssted quite well, what are you looking for?~

She sighed, there was no logical reason as to why she was looking around. Hearing voices was cause for concern, was she going crazy? No, the voice she heard was as clear as day. It was real, someone was in her room and she had no idea who. Maeve turned to her snake, perhaps he heard something.

§Loki, have you, perhapsss, heard sssomeone enter the room?§

Seeing his eyes shift as though confused at her question, she shook her head and decided to ignore it. Maybe she was dreaming again, just like the last time.

§Nevermind, forget I sssaid anything. I'll be getting dressed.§

Maeve grabbed her uniform and headed to the restroom, her hygiene products remained untouched where she always left them along with her fluffy towel. A quick shower should wash the sleep away and get her clear minded. Hopefully she could brush the strange voice away and focus on her day, she shouldn't tell her friends about it though. There was no doubt in her mind that they would be worried, she didn't need them focusing on her when they had to plan. Her dream voice would have to be for another day. Nothing to worry about now.

Turning the water to a lukewarm setting, Maeve began undressing. She wished she had more time to just soak in the water and pretend she were at the cottage with Sirius and Remus, where she could feel at home. But there was no time, she had a busy day and needed to spend all her time on planning. It wasn't long until Halloween and Maeve still needed to head down the trapdoor on the third corridor, she needed whatever was hidden under there to be far away. Whatever it was was extremely powerful and could potentially put her friends in danger and she would not allow that.

Hopefully Gringotts gets back to her and Sirius writes to her twins, they need all the brain power to succeed. Maeve didn't doubt her friends in being able to accomplish their goal, but better to be safe than sorry. There was no point in attempting only to fail, their mission was to retrieve the unknown object and have it safely owled to Gringotts for safekeeping. If they entered with no solid plan and failed, well there was no telling when they'd have another shot.

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