Chapter twenty-six

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~snake parseltongue~
§human parseltongue
/parseltongue writing/

Halloween was just in a few short days and Dumbledore had been watching Maeve much more than usual, it was beginning to grate on her nerves. Her twins were doing everything they could to get him off her back but even then professor McGonnagal wouldn't lay up, detentions were constantly thrown about and Maeve was just about ready to kill everyone. She currently sat in the Slytherin common room, staring at the flickering flames that warmed the chilly dungeon. She thought back to everything that has taken place since the start of the school year. Things have begun to change and Maeve was quite pleased.

Professor Snape was doing better in leaving Maeve alone, he didn't go out of his way to antagonize her anymore. He even started helping in deterring the old man, allowing her to stay in Potions class whenever the Headmaster was out looking for her. Professor Sprout also came around and no longer distrusted the Slytherins, she even encouraged the friendships that blossomed between the badger house and the snake house. It was something that no doubt irritated Dumbledore, the man could often be seen staring at the two houses that intermingled with twinkling eyes and forced grandfatherly smiles that hid his annoyance.

Alongside Draco and Theo, Maeve often scoured the library in search for anything that may be deemed useful for their expected trip down the third floor corridor. Sirius and Remus corresponded daily with her twins, creating plans and exchanging prank ideas to use during the following days to keep Dumbledore off their tail. Daphne and Blaise were the ones to offer to keep an eye on professor Quirrell to ensure nothing suspicious happens, they were the ones more likely to not be suspected of doing anything troubling considering their perfected blank masks and blunt natures. Daphne was known around Hogwarts as the Ice Queen so she was more than capable of keeping unwanted nosey students off their backs and Blaise was quite intimidating with no qualms putting others in their place.

Cedric was often spending his time with Neville in the Herbology class, professor Sprout had taken an immense liking to the shy boy and was more than willing to teach him all there is to know about plants of all kinds. Maeve was all too willing to indulge the boy in whatever he wanted and enjoyed listening to him passionately ramble about what he learned, it was endearing and made her a bit happy.

Lee Jordan further proved himself of being worthy by jotting down the different times in which Dumbledore, Snape, and Quirrell all walked near or within the third floor corridor which made things easier. He was most helpful with the uncanny way he stealthily followed those who Maeve wanted under close surveillance. With he participated in the pranks the Weasley's pulled, you'd never think to believe Lee could ever play the part of a spy, but he did the job wonderfully.

As green eyes focused intensely on the crackling fire, she hadn't heard her name being called and thus in complete instinct, she whipped out her wand and was poised instantly to attack at any sign of danger. The hand that was once placed upon her shoulder to nudge her out of her thoughts had retracted immediately, pressed tightly against a startled body. Blinking slowly, Maeve shook off the daze and Marcus' face appeared. Her lips thinned and she lowered her arm and slipped her wand back onto its holster, she adjusted her robes before staring up at the older boy with a raised brow.

He bowed his head apologetically and cleared his throat. "You asked to be notified whenever Dumbledore was seen behaving unusually."

"Yes, did something happen?"

"Dumbledore was seen pacing in the hallways and muttering under his breath, occasionally stopping to stare at the staircase that led to the forbidden floor."

The dark haired witch narrowed her eyes in thought as she stared at the ground, the old fool must be up to something and she needed to know what. She glanced back at the boy with pursed lips. "Find Lee Jordan, from the Gryffindor House, and let him know what you've seen. He's the one in charge of following suspicious characters. Let him know to come see me once he finds anything important. Give him the Common room password, I trust him enough to not spread it around."

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